NAMI Basics Education Program The fundamentals of caring for you, your family and your child with mental illness Companion Power Point Presentation Summer 2008
Class 1 Agenda Welcome Introductions to NAMI Introduction to Teachers Introduction to the NAMI Basics program Participant Introductions Welcome to Holland This is the illness your family has to live with Adjourn
Predictable Stages of Emotional Reactions Class 1: Chart 2 Stage 1: Dealing with the Catastrophic Event Stage 2: Learning to Cope: “ going through the mill ” Stage 3: Moving into Advocacy: “ CHARGE ”
Catastrophic Stressors Class 1: Chart 1 An unanticipated event No time to prepare for it No previous experience about how to handle it Has a high emotional impact Involves threat or danger to self or others
Class 2 Agenda Human Development The Biology of Mental Illness Getting an Accurate Diagnosis Overview of some of the illnesses Adjourn
Brain Cell Class 2: Handout # 3
The Human Brain Class 2: Handout # 4
The Limbic System Class 2: Handout # 5
Class 3 Agenda Telling Your Stories Treatment Options Available The Medication Dilemma Adjourn
Telling Our Stories Class 3: Chart 1 Child ’ s name and age Child ’ s diagnosis/diagnoses How old was the child when symptoms began? What were the symptoms? How is the child doing now? In school? At home? How are YOU right now? Where are you on the Stages chart?
Class 3 Handout # 7 Two neurons in synaptic contact
Class 4 Agenda Objective and Subjective Family Burden Communication Skills Problem Solving Skills Tips for Handling Difficult Behavior in Children Crisis Preparation and Responses Adjourn
Collaborative Problem Solving Plan B Class 4: Chart 1 1.Empathy (plus reassurance) 2.Define the problem 3.Invitation
Class 5 Agenda Record Keeping Overview of the Mental Health System Overview of School System ’ s role Overview of Juvenile Justice system Introduction to Transition Issues Adjourn
Class 6 Agenda Presentation by local experts Review of items identified as most pressing from Class 1 Self-Care Referral to ‘ Graduate School ’ Course Evaluation Diplomas Adjourn