7. Active Citizenship Leighton, R Teaching Citizenship Education Continuum: London
What constitutes active citizenship? Leighton, R Teaching Citizenship Education Continuum: London
Hopefully, ‘work experience’ did not appear on anyone’s list of key words. Why do some schools claim that work experience (and public service activities, and work shadowing, and litter picking etc) constitute ‘active citizenship'? Leighton, R Teaching Citizenship Education Continuum: London
What opportunities exist for active citizenship 1. In a citizenship classroom? 2. In a science laboratory? 3. In a music room? 4. During form time? 5. In school in November/December? Leighton, R Teaching Citizenship Education Continuum: London
Are pupils ‘active citizens’ if they don’t know that what they are doing is active citizenship? Does it matter? Leighton, R Teaching Citizenship Education Continuum: London
‘Recognising you cannot have everything your own way is a painful but essential lesson to learn.’ (Powell and Solity, 1990; pp143/4) Leighton, R Teaching Citizenship Education Continuum: London
Bibliography Leighton, R. (2011) Teaching Citizenship Education: A Radical Approach London: Continuum Powell, M. and Solity, J. (1990) Teachers in Control: Cracking the Code London: Routledge Leighton, R Teaching Citizenship Education Continuum: London