Bond Package - $386 million $386 Million – No tax rate increase (25 year bond) Funds all proposed unfunded maintenance, all high and medium high seismic schools, all additions/expansions, all athletic projects, and all safety and security measures. Replace/Remodel main building at Milwaukie High School Builds additional elementary school Converts Rock Creek Middle School to an additional high school Completes major renovations at Rowe MS, Alder Creek MS, Milwaukie/El Puente ES, Whitcomb ES, Sunnyside ES, New Urban High School, and Sabin-Schellenberg. Adds classrooms at Happy Valley Middle School and Clackamas High East campus (future home for Rock Creek Middle students, if bond is approved). Provides about half the costs of a replacement Transportation Center in a different location 1
Bond Package - $415 million $415 Million - $0.11 tax increase per $1,000 assessed value (25 year bond) Takes the $386 Million Bond Package and adds the following: Transportation (job completed) Added funding for these projects Sunnyside Remodel Whitcomb Remodel Alder Creek Remodel Sabin-Schellenberg Remodel 2
Bond Package - $451 million $451 Million - $0.25 tax increase per $1,000 assessed value (25 year bond) Takes the $386 Million Bond Package and adds the following: Additional Middle School East side middle schools will be more than 1,000 students by 2024 (they will require some additional classrooms in the bond) Rowe Middle School lacks space for enrollment growth (It will require some additional classrooms All middle schools will remain above the 2006 target enrollment of 750 (when middle schools had grades 7 and 8 only). 3
Where are we now? Keeping current bond rate will now produce $386 million. Add $3.5 million in anticipated state grant support Could create a total package of $390 million Major change from previous proposals: Completes all unfunded maintenance 4
What’s next? Develop recommendation for School Board Discussion/Possible action with School Board on Feb. 25 5