Reduced Unit Cost For Discretionary Work Innovation Scorecard Portfolio MixRate of Failure Potential Dollar Savings Employee Innovation Training Hours Innovation Investment Cash Curve Increased IT Capacity Improve Project Execution 20% 60% 50% 30% 40% % Effort Variation 20% 60% 50% 30% 40% % Schedule Variation 20% 60% 50% 30% 40% Start Timeliness 20% 60% 50% 30% 40% End Timeliness 50% 90% 80% 60% 70% % Cost Variation Innovation Fund Balance Root-Cause Analysis Defect Density Reduced Downtime Idea Implementation Rate
Innovation Metric Status METRIC MEASURESTATUSTREND Number of Ideas Submitted Percentage of IT Employees and Managers With Creativity & Innovation Training Idea Campaigns Launched Ratio of Implemented Ideas to Submitted Ideas Innovation Recognition/Reward System Implemented IM2 Maturity Level 2/3 Established 15% 85% 70% 30% 50% % Label Here % Descriptive Label Here Header Text Here 15% 85% 70% 30% 50% % Label Here % Descriptive Label Here Header Text Here
Variance > 20% Variance 10%-20% Variance <10% TrendAlert Level Overall Project Status Labor Hours Expense Dollars Capital Dollars Deliverable Status Project Health Check
Comments / Notes
15% 85% 70% 30% 50% % Label Here % Descriptive Label Here Header Text Here