Think-Pair-Share: Discuss the meaning of each quote with a different partner, and come up with 1 adjective to describe the person who said it. ➢ Partner 1: “Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.” ➢ Partner 2: “There are but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the mind.“
How did Napoleon Rise to Power? 1769 – Born in Corsica Rose to power through the military, first as a lieutenant, and later a general – dissolved the Directory in France, and set up the Consulate (naming himself First Consul for life). In 2 years, he gained enough political power to declare himself Emperor of France. Very popular with the people, due to his fair policies.
What was France like under Napoleon? Napoleon used public votes to strengthen central gov’t Repaired economy – controlled prices, invited new industry w/ jobs for all social classes, built roads & canals. Started gov’t-run public schools, rewards based on merit. Repaired the relationship with Church, religious freedom for Catholics. Napoleonic Code – law system that promoted equality of all citizens, but reduced individual rights. Women lost most rights, while males regained control of households.
How did Napoleon Build an Empire? Popularity & military strength led him to declare himself Emperor of France in Military success boosted French nationalism & sense of glory. To expand his power in Europe, he attacked & defeated other nations, forcing them to sign peace treaties. Later placed family & friends on European thrones to force alliances. Most of continental Europe in his control by 1812, but unable to conquer Britain’s strong navy.
The Greatest Extent of Napoleon’s Empire!
What Were Challenges to Napoleon’s Empire? Continental System – attempts to blockade Britain’s trade ports mostly destroyed the rest of Europe’s economy instead. This led to hatred towards France. Peninsular War – France took over Spanish govt. and reduced the power of Catholic Church. Guerrilla forces attacked, weakening the French army. Tensions with Austria – Austria warred against France, but Napoleon married an Austrian princess to force peace and solidify a French victory.
What Were Challenges to Napoleon’s Empire? Invasion of Russia (1812) – Napoleon expanded his power in neighboring countries, and invaded Russia with 400,000 soldiers. Russians pull back and refuse to fight, but as they retreat they burn crops & villages in a “scorched-earth policy” leaving Napoleon’s soldiers without food or shelter. Napoleon’s struggle for survival on the long retreat destroyed his reputation for military success in Europe.
What Led to Napoleon’s Downfall? 1814 – Napoleon surrendered at Liepzig, exiled to island of Elba in the Mediterranean Sea. Unpopular French king, Louis XVIII, creates economic depression. French loyalty to Napoleon renewed. Napoleon escaped Elba, returned to France to build a new army in Battle of Waterloo – Napoleon was defeated by British & Prussian forces. Napoleon forced to live in exile until his death (1821) on the island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic Ocean.
What was the Congress of Vienna? Political meetings ( ) to restore stability & order in Europe after years of revolution. Goal was to create lasting peace by creating a balance of power & protecting the monarchy. Map of Europe was re-drawn to contain French ambitions: strong countries all around it. The long-held system of hereditary monarchy was restored. Problems: nationalism would work against this peace – new nations created on a map, with no cares for old cultural tensions or disputes.