What do I value? A Personal Discussion.
Define: value To show respect for To regard highly To think much of… “I respect his Judgment” “I value his judgment”
What do you value? This phrase has many different meanings for each person in this room. Take 5 minutes, and write down everything that comes to your mind when you are asked “what do you value?” This assignment is for your eyes only, unless you would like to share.
What do I value? - Homework Students: Draw a circle around the number that shows how important each value is to you. Adult Support Person: Draw a square around the number that shows how important it is to you that the student values each item on this list. Due MONDAY.
Activity: Exploring Your Personal Values I will read several statements to you, one at a time. Most of the statements are about relationships, dating and sexual behaviour. Go and stand under the sign that represents your response to the statement: AGREE, UNSURE, DISAGREE When everyone is standing where they want to be, I’ll ask volunteers to explain their positions. You must be true to yourself. Do not be persuaded by others.
Seventh and eight grades should be allowed to have parties at home without adult supervision. Most 13 year olds are too young to “go out” with someone alone (no group and no adults). Someone who comes to school wearing sexy clothing is asking to be sexually harassed.
It’s okay to make comments about people’s body parts, unless they say they don’t like it. It’s okay for two people of different races to date. When a girl is out with a guy, it’s really up to her to make sure that things don’t go too far sexually.
Guys should only use condoms when they’re having sex with someone who has had many sexual partners. It’s irresponsible for a teenager to have sex without using protection from pregnancy and STIs. Talking someone into having sex before they are ready is taking unfair advantage of them.
Having sex with someone who you don’t really care about is wrong. A girl who carries condoms in her purse is probably “easy.” Choosing not to have sex is the best choice for teenagers.
If a guy and girl are having sex, and she gets pregnant, they should get married. Teenagers are too young to be good parents. There should be more restrictions on sexual images, language, and soliciting on the Internet.
Teen fathers should be forced to pay child support. When faced with an unintended pregnancy, a woman should have the right to choose abortion. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual teenagers should be allowed to take their same-sex partners to school dances and other social functions.