September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP Rights Respecting Education Supporting Positive Learning Environments
Unique and Shared Get into groups of You will need a sheet of paper and a pen for each group. Choose a notetaker for your group. September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
Shared Make a list of common traits and qualities that you as members of the group have in common. Choose a spokesperson to read your list. September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
Unique On the other half of your paper record traits and qualities that apply to one person in the group. Each person reads one trait from the list. Now choose a name for your group that reflects the shared and unique qualities of the members of your group! September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
Reflective Task Think about our introductory activity – Unique and Shared. Consider how you felt as you undertook this task. What might the aims and advantages of activities like this be? Year 1 Induction RRE KPSeptember 2011
The RRR initiative (Hampshire schools) Rights Respecting Education linked to UNICEF’s Rights Respecting award Based on the UN Conventions on the Right of the Child and the Universal declaration of Human Rights Many Resources September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
Wants and Needs Activity In your table groups explore how we can support children to identify between wants and needs and make the link with Human Rights Why do we need to know about this? September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
Supporting the delivery of Rights / / srights/ srights/ September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
Activity: Right up your street! Work in small groups to look at the poster Choose a section of the poster to observe closely. Search for examples of human rights being enjoyed, denied or demanded – link to the UDHR Each group should be prepared to report back their findings. Discuss possible disagreements or different interpretations, eg is the homeless man demanding his human right to food and shelter (right being asked for) or he is exercising his right to protest about homelessness (right being enjoyed) or is his homelessness a result of his human rights being denied? September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
Issues of teaching about Human Rights Discuss in your table group how you feel about teaching about Human Rights? September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
Group (Class) Charters Based on the RRR approach Recognising that people have Rights Recognising that along with Rights go Responsibility. Recognising that we need to Respect peoples individual needs and rights and the responsibility this carries. September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP Article 1 We have a right to voice an opinion and be heard. It is the listener’s responsibility not to talk and to look at the person speaking Article 2 We have the right to find things in the correct place Everyone has a responsibility to tidy up behind them and to a neat, cared for environment. Article 3 We have the right to be talked to politely Everyone has a responsibility to not make people feel bad by saying unkind things Article 4 We have the right to be treated kindly and fairly Everyone has a responsibility to care about others and be kind Article 5 We have a right to work with others It’s our responsibility to work sensibly Article 6 We have a right to be helped if we have a problem It’s our responsibility to help others if they need help Article 7 The people who give you a duty or job have a right We have the responsibility to do all duties or jobs sensibly for it to be done sensibly and to the best of our ability Article 8 We have the right to drink in a lesson We have the responsibility to bring a water bottle to school
September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
Group Charter September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
Our Group Charter In your table groups discuss the rights you as students have to your learning in the group as a whole. Consider the responsibilities (for you and others) that are required to ensure these rights are met. Draw up a charter for your table group. Be ready to feedback September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
Final Activity: All different, all equal – a story! To begin to recognise that although we are all different we are all equal To understand how we can help each other by working and playing together To explore relationships with people who help us This activity is taken from a resource by Amnesty International - Lift Off – September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP
Thank you for participating in the activities and helping to produce your group charter You may wish to reflect on this further in your reflective journal. September 2011Year 1 Induction RRE KP