STAAR Assessment Management System and StAAR Online Testing Platform STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Texas Assessment Management System Technology Systems and Supports STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Texas Assessment Management System Technology Systems and Supports STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Overview Post Administration - Student Resolution Prepare Campus Technology Local Caching Software Upload and Manage Student Registrations Order Additional Materials Setup and Manage Online Testing Monitor and Manage Online Testing Post Administration - Student Resolution View Published Reports STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Prepare Campus Technology The STAAR Online Testing Platform Online Readiness Tool Secure Browser apps Windows Mac Chromebook iPad Android (Available soon) Linux (Available soon) STAAR Assessment Management System Local Caching Software (LCS) The STAAR Online Testing Platform includes Online readiness tools, Secure browser apps, Online testing management via the STAAR Assessment Management System, and optional secondary caching. STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Prepare Campus Technology Verify that the network meets the requirements, is configured for testing, and can connect to the Internet. Refer to the STAAR Online Testing Platform Technology Guide Conduct network diagnostics to confirm sufficient bandwidth with the Online Readiness Tool ( Inform your technology team of this requirement Review the steps to follow for online testing preparation. Mention where resources are located Please inform STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Prepare Campus Technology Technology Staff Tasks Install Secure Browser Local Caching Software (LCS) Install and configure, if necessary Validate Setup Confirm installation by taking a student tutorial on student computers STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Prepare Campus Technology Verify all of the computers that will be used for online testing meet the minimum hardware and software requirements. Refer to the Unified Minimum Systems Requirements for Online Testing Install the Secure Browser on the testing devices. Secure Browsers available for download at Confirm successful operation using tutorials on a representative sample of your testing devices. Review the steps to follow for online testing preparation. Go back and include sub bullet where resources referecd STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Prepare Campus Technology STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Prepare Campus Technology STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Prepare Campus Technology Allow the URLs listed below to be accessed through the firewall: http://* https://* http://* https://* STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Prepare Campus Technology Tips: Minimize student use of school network Minimize use of school network during test administrations (classes using YouTube, uploading payroll, streaming video during national news stories, etc.) Give thoughtful consideration to WiFi access point placement Ensure technology staff and assessment staff are working together! STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Local Caching Software Is Local Caching Software right for you? Determine if your network is reliable and can support the number of test takers you need to test simultaneously - perform a “System Check Test” from the STAAR Online Testing Readiness Tools ( Determine the need for additional caching assisted by district technology group Review the steps for determining the need for additional caching. Split into two slides – second slide Is LCS right for you? Proctor caching is not required and in most instances is not necessay STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Local Caching Software Review the steps for determining the need for additional caching. Split into two slides – second slide Is LCS right for you? Proctor caching is not required and in most instances is not necessay STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Local Caching Software Is Local Caching Software right for you? LCS is not required and in most instances is not necessary If LCS is necessary: Refer to the STAAR Online Testing Platform Local Caching Software (LCS) District Guide Caches test content and student responses locally Test content and student responses are encrypted Install on one computer/server per school (supports up to 500 simultaneous testers) Remote configuration options Automatic caching, purging, and upload Review the steps for determining the need for additional caching. Proctor caching is not required and in most instances is not necessary Include info between tow sets of bullets STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
STAAR Assessment Management System Login Upload and Manage Student Registrations in the STAAR Assessment Management System STAAR Assessment Management System Login provides access to Login to the STAAR Assessment Management System, as well as access to supporting documentation, FAQs, and more! STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Upload and Manage Student Registrations in the STAAR Assessment Management System STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Upload and Manage Student Registrations in the STAAR Assessment Management System Organizations Users Students Online Testing Orders Reports Once you login to the Texas Assessment Management System you will have access to manage Organizations, Users, Students, Online Testing, Orders, and Reports. Features vary by role. Include screenshot with online testing and arrange bullets in same order as tabs appear Note that online testing is not yet available (upcoming) – use as opportunity to adverstise webinar STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Upload and Manage Student Registrations Student Registration Upload Students>Upload You may upload multiple user accounts or multiple student registrations by using the upload feature of the system. Note: student who are successfully uploaded despite a yellow checkmark – only students in error need to be re-uploaded May be asked: errors when copy and paste, ETS is investigating how to not have the extra space when they cut/paste; will create a list of troubleshooting hints Leading 0’s – we are aware and looking into correcting When downloading file with errors they can’t identify students in error easily STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Upload and Manage Student Registrations View Student Registrations Students>View & Edit To view student registrations, search on the students view and edit tab. Always be certain that you are selecting the correct Test Administration. STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Upload and Manage Student Registrations Transfer Student Registrations Students> Transfers To transfer a student OUT, search for the student and transfer them to a new CDC. NOTE: Only students registered for the selected test administration will be available for transfers out. To search for a student to transfer IN, you must enter exact values in all search criteria fields to find re-testers who have not already been registered by another District. The transfer IN will allow you to register them in your District. If you do not find the student, another District has already registered them for the selected administration. If transfer student out – how and who is notified? Same for trasnsfer in – email notification? – is sent – currently Announcement goes to transfer out – Looking into the organization contact – are they the only ones who receive the email? When trying to transfer in a student held by another district not easily identifiable Remind that primary contact should be DTC – can we change the default contact to DTC (long term) STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Order Additional Materials Email Questions to TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG Additional materials Orders> Additional Materials STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Setup and Manage Online Testing Tutorials: Students and educators become familiar with navigation, the item types, the tools and their locations, and the device to be used for testing Validate infrastructure STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Setup and Manage Online Testing Test Sessions Grade 5 Reading STAAR A Group A Group B Grade 8 Mathematics STAAR L English I triangle with boxes at end – I took a stab at it but feel the diagram above illustrates the concept. STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Setup and Manage Online Testing Building a Group Update GROUP NAMES in the student data file template and upload to Student>Uploads Students are automatically put into a test session can be broken down into groups at the discretion of district – TA’s do not need to enter management system, Test admin only overseeing group. Group names can be up to 20 alphanumeric characters and spaces Explain what a Test Session means? Pearson used Session as ETS uses Groups – a session for ETS is all eligible students at a certain grade level for a specific subject/admin STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Monitor and Manage Online Testing Search Sessions Sessions At a Glance Manage Sessions To transfer a student OUT, search for the student and transfer them to a new CDC. NOTE: Only students registered for the selected test administration will be available for transfers out. To search for a student to transfer IN, you must enter exact values in all search criteria fields to find re-testers who have not already been registered by another District. The transfer IN will allow you to register them in your District. If you do not find the student, another District has already registered them for the selected administration. If transfer student out – how and who is notified? Same for trasnsfer in – email notification? – is sent – currently Announcement goes to transfer out – Looking into the organization contact – are they the only ones who receive the email? When trying to transfer in a student held by another district not easily identifiable Remind that primary contact should be DTC – can we change the default contact to DTC (long term) STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Monitor and Manage Online Testing View Test Sessions Online Testing > Manage Online Testing Testing coordinator confirms students are registered and assigned to a test session Use the Manage Online Testing features to confirm that students are registered and assigned to a test session. Questions from field - who manages test session? Students are automatically put into a test session can be broken down into groups at the discretion of district – TA’s do not need to enter management system, Test admin only overseeing group. Explain what a Test Session means? Pearson used Session as ETS uses Groups – a session for ETS is all eligible students at a certain grade level for a specific subject/admin STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Monitor and Manage Online Testing Student Test Tickets Online Testing>Manage Online Testing Contains all necessary information for students to access tests Test tickets should not be printed by the testing coordinator until just prior to testing and must be stored in a secure location Distribute test tickets to test administrators on test day Tickets can be downloaded and printed from the system for each online testing group. STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Monitor and Manage Online Tests Start a Test Student enters test ticket information to log in to the test Student will begin a test by opening the Secure Browser application, clicking “Take Test,” and then enters their Username, Password and Session ID. STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Monitor and Manage Online Tests Pause/Resume Student can pause test for up to 30 minutes Student will resume the test Inactivity logout – 30 minutes Students may click “Pause” and will be able to resume testing for up to 30 minutes. After 30 minutes they will need to log back in using their test ticket information. Need another slide logging in and logging out STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Monitor and Manage Online Testing Monitor Status Online Testing>Manage Online Testing Campus can view testing status of students Ready to Test In Progress Inactive Submitted Test Administrations can view the status of each student’s online test on this screen. Statuses include Ready to Test, In Progress, Active, and Submitted. STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Monitor and Manage Online Tests End and submit test Reopen inadvertently submitted test Contact Texas Assessment Support Center within 2 hours After two hours you must contact TEA If a Student is inactive – meaning no mouse or keyboard activity – for more than 30 minutes, the system will log them out. The Student will need to log back in using their test ticket information. Students may also log out without submitting their tests, providing the opportunity to return and complete their test at a later time. Students must end and submit their tests once they have completed it. Students who inadvertently submit their tests without completing will no longer be able to access the test. To request a submitted test to be reopened please contact the Texas Assessment Support Center within 2 hours. STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Monitor and Manage Online Testing Update Score Codes and Accommodations Online Testing>Manage Online Testing Use Test Attributes action to update score codes and accommodations Score codes and accommodation can be updated from the Session Info screen. This is also available in Student>View & Edit on the Tests tab. DTC and Campus Coordinator will have access to update the accommodations, and we heard that Test Administrators are wanted, and we are looking into seeing whether or not we can add that for the Springtime. STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Post Administration - Student Resolution Resolve Student Warnings and Errors Students>Resolution Resolve inconsistent or missing student information or a mismatch between the most recent answer document and the records within the system Under Students Resolutions, Districts can resolve mismatches or supply missing data. Students who have inconsistent or missing student information or a mismatch between the most recent answer document and the records within the system will be available in Students > Resolution. STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
View Published Reports Reports>Results Standard reports showing student performance on the STAAR assessments are available for download from the system. The following standard reports are available for download from the system: · Confidential Student Reports · Confidential Student Labels · Confidential Campus Rosters · STAAR Reporting Student Data Files · Summary Reports STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Texas Assessment Management System Technology Systems and Supports STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016
Email Questions to TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG STAAR Online Testing Webinar TXOPSPM@ETS.ORG February 2016