HISTORY OF LIFE Emergence 3/25/08
MaEonEraPeriodTectonic EventClimatic EventBiotic Event 24 Phanerozoic Cenozoic Neogene (Quaternary) Isthmus of Panama forms Red Sea forms Repeated glacial events Great American Exchange 65 Paleogene (Tertiary) India collides with Eurasia Himalayas form Beringia Forms Africa collides with Eurasia Tethyan closes; climate cools, sea level drops Grasslands 144 Mesozoic Cretaceous Gondwana fully separate India and Madagascar Separate from Antarctica Formation of Tethyan Seaway Flowering Plants 213Jurassic Gondwana rifting N. & S. America Separate Shallow Sea over Continents Early Birds 248TriassicFormation of PangeaSea levels dropMammals 286 Paleozoic PermianGlaciation wanes Mammal-like Reptiles 360Carboniferous Glaciation in Gondwanaland Reptiles 412Devonian Red Sandstone of Pre- Laurasia Forms (Appalachians) Vertebrates Move to Land 438SilurianAustralia near Equator Glaciation in Gondwanaland Early Fish 505Ordovician Landmasses in Southern Hemisphere 590Cambrian Most Phyla Appear ProterozoicPrecambrianGondwanaland Forms
History of Life 3.9 – 2.5 Ma Chemoautotrophic prokaroytic cells (chemical evidence only) 3.5 Ma estimated lifetime of Last Universal Ancestor 3.0 Ma Cyanobacteria (photosynthesizers) 2.1 Ma Eukaroytes Present (Red Algae) 1.2 Ma Sexual Reproduction Evolves (Green Algae) 850 – 630 Ma Snowball Earth 580 – 542 Vendian Biota (Ediacara) 580 – 500 Cambrian Explosion 540 Ozone layer forms
Cyanobacteria: Stromatolites (3.4 – 2.7 Ba)
Eukaryotic Fossils and Sex (1.2 Ma) Bitter Springs Formation, Australia
Snowball Earth ( Ma)
Ediacaran Fauna Vendian Biota (580 Ma)
Fossil Embryos
Burgess Shale Fauna Organisms of the End Cambrian Explosion (540 Ma)
Polycheates Velvet Worms Priapulid Worms
Sponges Trilobites Chordates: Pikaia
Opabinia Marrella
Hallucinogenia Wiwaxia