Professional Development Training: Student-Centered Learning Through Technology Integration Debbie McKintosh June 2, 2014 TECH 507/Clauburg
“…a focus on memorization of facts, formulas, dates, names, and so on. The student is expected to recall the exact information for the test.” Morrison & Lowther, Ch. 1 Teacher-centered
Student-centered “This approach requires students to formulate problems, collect information and data, organize and manipulate the information and data, and then formulate and answer.” Morrison & Lowther, Ch. 1
Teacher-centered Student-centered Learning
“When students are active participants in their own learning, they are more likely to gain a deeper knowledge of the content.” Edmunds & Smith, p. 42
National Education Technology Standards (NETS) ISTE ® (International Standards for Technology in Education). (2012). Standards for Students. Retrieved from ISTE ® (International Standards for Technology in Education). (2012). Standards for Teachers. Retrieved from
NETS & Student-Centered Learning Students in a Culinary Arts classroom in Phoenix, Arizona connect via Skype with a chef from a Las Vegas resort to conduct an interview with them about the following: How menus are selected at the resort during the various seasons of the year How ingredient quantities are determined What budgetary considerations must be taken into account when ordering
NETS & Student-Centered Learning Students in a Automotive Technology classroom are engaged in online simulations where they must diagnose and develop a plan of action to address the issue with the vehicle. Their plan must also include a quote for needed work (including parts, any shop fees, labor, and tax).
Potential Challenges….
hardware/software money professional development prep time teacher’s unfamiliarity core standards risky student safety equipment infrastructure no time in curriculum loss of control student maturity Potential Challenges…. fear
“When it comes to copyright law and the application of fair use exceptions, ignorance is definitely not bliss!” Education World ®, shtml
Any graphic found on the internet is okay for teachers to copy for use on curricular material. A music clip can be used in a presentation if the clip is limited to no more than 30 seconds or 10% of the song, whichever is less.
When in doubt about the copyright status of something you or a student wants to use, you should: and hope for the best 2.use it in the classroom but do not post it on the school web site 3.ask permission before you use it
“Most educators would agree that student in today’s schools should emerge from high school with the ability to apply 21 st century knowledge and skills.” ISTE, 2007
“Yet the concern over ‘how’ to integrate this new curriculum approach into classroom instruction can be somewhat daunting to new and often even more so experienced (educators).” ISTE, /webcrit.html
Professional Development Training: Student-Centered Learning Through Technology Integration
Resources: Cornell University Library: Olin & Uris Libraries. (2014). Five Criteria for Evaluating Web Pages. Retrieved from Edmunds, N. A., & Smith, C. L. (2009). Learning to Teach, A Quick-Start Guide for Career and Technical Education Teachers (Revised Edition). Alexandria, VA: Association for Career and Technical Education. Education World ®: The Educator’s Best Friend ®. (2014). The Educator’s Guide to Copyright and Fair Use. Retrieved from ISTE ® (International Standards for Technology in Education). (2012). Standards for Students. Retrieved from ISTE ® (International Standards for Technology in Education). (2012). Standards for Teachers. Retrieved from Morrison, G. R., & Lowther, D. L. (2010). Integrating computer technology into the classroom: Skills for the 21 st century (4 th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.