How can we ensure all children in Year 2 are actively involved in AFL? The Challenge – to increase active participation by learners so they understand how they are being successful and what their next steps are…?
We used progress tracking to identify children who are not making expected progress- and focused on their next steps We continued to write accelerating progress plans for focus groups and individual children- identifying their barriers to learning and next steps The children were aware of tickled pink and green for grow (and in some classes it was being used in books) However, not many children were actively involved in it themselves.
We decided to trial the following strategies… LSAs to pink and green mark children’s work Children pink and green marking their own work Editing samples of work together as a class Introducing EBI (even better if) targets – which the children decide and then evaluate against Move from ticking off criteria to evaluating (scoring) Use post-it notes for grow targets Use of ‘prove-it’ partners and peer marking with the HA children
At Copythorne The teacher continues to mark key pieces of work using pink and green marking We tried using checklists, where children check against the success criteria for a piece of writing We tried peer to peer checking against the writing checklists with some children in HA group so they could talk it/prove it to their partner as to why they had ticked off a criteria We altered the success criteria checklists to include EBI(Even better if) so as not to exclude children from up- levelling their writing by limiting them to a certain level. We edited and improved pieces of work together as a class. We tried generating the checklists at the point of writing rather than printing beforehand to see what was already embedded.
At Lyndhurst we… Began using a new success criteria checklist that the child checks against first and then it is checked by an adult Began using EBI targets- which the children score against out of 5 and then marked by teacher/TA Trialled peer marking with two HA children- where they had to pink and green mark and identify next steps on a post-it note
At Netley Marsh we… Re-introduced pink and green marking to the class (they had some past experience from Year 1) Teacher and LSAs began pink and green marking with the children within the literacy session Began using success criteria checklists that the child checks against first and then it is checked by an adult Children started pink marking their own work (but normally only one element i.e. openers, punctuation etc.) Began using EBI targets- which the children score against out of 5 Trialled peer marking with four HA children- where they had to pink and green mark and identify next steps on a post-it note
Ensure all children are using success criteria and / or an EBI rating in the majority of their literacy work Increase green next step targets The use of success criteria ‘checklists’ help both the children and TA to know what to focus on in their writing Children are becoming more honest in their evaluations TA’s are more confident at marking pink- but not yet so confident at knowing what to put for green marking It was difficult to timetable in sessions to explicitly teach the children how to peer mark using pink and green We did not find a way to include next steps on post-it notes