Our Personal Food System: Food and Physical Activity
How do others help us stay healthy and physically active?
What do you use a balance for?
What do you know about energy?
Let’s Watch a Video Recharging Our Bodies
Energy Balance
Energy Experiment Stand up Raise your Hand Do 5 Jumping Jacks Touch Your Toes Jump 5 Times
Energy Experiment High Energy Low Energy Stand Up Raise Your Hand Do 5 Jumping Jacks Touch Your Toes Jump 5 Times
Energy Balance Lose Weight
Gain Weight Energy Balance
Guidelines MyPlateExercise
15 Minute Walk to School 15 Minutes of Running at Recess 30 Minutes of Gym Class
Social-Ecological Model
Social-Ecological Model Activity Pick one of the goals listed below 1.Eat more fruits and vegetables 2.Be more active during the day 3.Learn how to prepare my own meals
Social-Ecological Model Activity Look at your goal and pick one thing on the INDIVIDUAL level that would help you to reach your goal 1.Learn more about healthy food options 2.Get a cookbook 3.Try a new sport 4.Research places where it would be safe to ride my bike 5.Try a new fruit or vegetable
Social-Ecological Model Activity Look at your goal and pick one thing on the INTERPERSONAL level that would help you to reach your goal 1.Help my parents pick out fruits and vegetables when we grocery shop 2.Ask a relative if they can help teach you a new recipe 3.Have a friend go for a bike ride with me 4.Find an activity that will make me move instead of watching t.v.
Social-Ecological Model Activity Look at your goal and pick one thing on the ORGANIZATIONAL level that would help you to reach your goal 1.Have more fruits and vegetables in the cafeteria 2.Go to the YMCA to swim or play a sport in the gym 3.Have a chef in the cafeteria teach you how they prepare lunch
Social-Ecological Model Activity Look at your goal and pick one thing on the COMMUNITY level that would help you to reach your goal 1.Having more sidewalks and bike paths for people to exercise 2.Have Live54218 show you ways to eat more fruits and vegetables 3.Go to farmers market to find new foods to prepare or try
Social-Ecological Model Activity Look at your goal and pick one thing on the POLICY level that would help you to reach your goal 1.Students need to take one fruit and vegetable in the cafeteria 2.Students have to go to gym class at least once a week 3.Students must take a cooking class once a month in school
Polite Bite Rules: 1.Take at least one bite 2.Only say polite things
How do others help us stay healthy and physically active?