Capitalize the first word of every sentence — unless that sentence is in parentheses incorporated within another sentence. Capitalize the personal pronoun I.I. Never ever, ever write i Macbeth’s tragic decline (some people refer to this as his “tragic downfall” ) is the fault of no-one but himself.
Capitalize the names of family relations when they are used as substitutes for names: I went to visit my U ncle Ted and A unt Margaret. I went with my mum and dad to visit my aunt and uncle. G randdad and G randma live with D ad and M um now. Notice the role of the modifying pronoun here.
In titles, capitalize the first, last, and all important words. Usually, we don’t capitalize articles, prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions. S mash Hits Top of the Pops The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
Capitalize names of specific persons, places, and geographical locations. Don’t capitalize directions. My brother C harlie, who used to live in the M iddle E ast and write books about the O ld W est, now lives in W idnes, C heshire. They moved up north, to the southern shore of Loch Lomand.
Capitalize names of days of the week, months, and holidays. Don’t capitalize the names of seasons. V alentines D ay, which is always on F ebruary 14, falls on T uesday this year. Next a utumn, before the w inter storms begin, we’re heading south.
Capitalize the names of historical events. Capitalize the names of religions and religious terms. The Battle of the Bulge was an important event in World War II. G od, C hrist, A llah, B uddha, C hristianity, C hristians, J udaism, J ews, I slam, M uslims The R eformation took place in the sixteenth century.
Capitalize the names of nations, nationalities, languages, and words based on such words. We usually don’t capitalize “white” and “black.” Somalia, Swedish, English muffin, Irish stew, Japanese maple, French horn There are very few blacks in this predominantly white community.
Capitalize titles when they precede names.... usually not after a name.... Dean Arrington introduced President Bush to Secretary Bogglesworth. Tom Brennan, who was chairman of the board of directors in 1995, has since retired.
Be careful with capitals as people use them too often, e.g.: This exciting new car has Air Conditioning and Alloy Wheels. This should be: This exciting new car has air conditioning and alloy wheels.
1. harriet and melissa have run off to aberdeen today. 2. last wednesday inspector sims talked to mr taylor. 3. william defeated harold at the battle of hastings. 4. after a fierce battle the english were beaten by the french. 5. nairobi is the capital city of kenya. i would like to go there for my summer holidays. 6. the two countries signed a treaty of friendship. 7. the european community began with the treaty of rome in jenny’s favourite programmes are teletubbies and the tweenies. 9. michael said he had enjoyed reading barbie’s adventure in barbieland. 10. i am angry because miss hogan has just driven her dirty old daewoo (car) over my foot. 11. i would like to see the river nile, mount everest and the taj mahal. 12.“the day i like the most is sunday, because i can spend all day looking forward to tower college on monday,” said jonathan harrison.