A lamp is a light which is also a piece of furniture. *How many lamps are there in the picture? (v-irregular: lead-led-led) The door which leads inside Al-Ka’abah is the door which is the way into Al-Ka’abah. *The road in the picture leads to Riyadh.
Marble is a kind of stone which is used to build or decorate buildings. *Are there any buildings in your town or region which are built of marble or covered with marble? replace to put a new thing in place or an old one. The government replaces Al-Kiswah once a year.
A row is a number of things (or persons) in a line. *What kinds of rows can you see below? A row of ________, a row of _________, a row of _________ and a row of ________.housesnumbersbooksplants
Now, choose the correct words : sunset marble animal hill pillar