Stem cell research Catholic teaching regarding the stem cell research
What are stem cells Cells that have the potential to become many different kinds of cells. They are the means by which cells in the body can be replenished They have the potential to become any kind of body cell. (totipotent) Scientists hope to obtain lines of embryonic stem cells and coax them into becoming specific kinds of cells.
Which stem cells to use? Adult Already developed cell lines embryonic- cells obtained from already destroyed human embryos. These are obtained from in vitro fertilization or abortion clinics. This is the ethical problem. Go to handout
Church teaching Human embryos must not be generated specifically for research purposes From the moment of conception, the life of every human being is to be respected in an absolute way.( Gospel of life 63) It becomes a social justice issue—it is high tech and expensive—hence only benefits the wealthy?
Stem cell research--UCB UCB—umbilical cord blood UCB contains vital stem cells, like those found in bone marrow, which are used the treatment of more that 50 life threatening diseases. Within minutes of birth, UCB can be harvested, then processed and store so that your child, a sibling or another family member can access it later in life for medical treatment.
CORCell—saving baby’s cord blood. Insurance companies have created programs to protect the health of the family rather than disposing this as medical waste. The Church supports this as one of many alternative avenues for harvesting stem cells.