Conflict Resolution Craig Fuller Matt Moody
Conflict? A disagreement between two or more people. A conflict can occur among friends, family members, co-workers, students, countries, and acquaintances. Words associated with Conflict: WarFight Difference of Opinion ClashArgument
Many Reasons for Conflicts Dishonesty Violation of Trust Poor Communication Unfair treatment Disloyalty Unavailability Can you think of anymore?
Conflict Resolution Strategies Giving In – one person yields to the other person’s wishes Walking Away either physically or psychologically Doing nothing- both sides ignore the problem Fighting dirty – lying, manipulation, threatening, blaming, name calling Constructive problem solving
Conflict Resolution Process Ways to responsibly settle a dispute 3 Primary Conflict Resolution Processes 1)Negotiation2)Mediation 3)Consensus Decision Making
Steps in Negotiation Agree that you disagree Take turns talking (don’t control the conversation) Describe your wants and feelings (reasons for each) Take other person’s point of view and then summarize your understanding (make sure that you know what he/she wants) Think of ways to settle conflict in ways that works for both parties (win-win situation). Choose best way and make an agreement Get outside help if parties are unable to resolve the conflict
Mediation Process by which the two parties in the dispute meet with a neutral third party to resolve the conflict. The neutral third party is called a Mediator. Can you think of situations when a Mediator may be used or needed?
Consensus Decision Making Process by with all parties involved with the dispute collaborate to reach an agreement that all parties can and will support.
Win – Win Situations “I want to win and I want you to win, too.” Discuss each persons underlying needs What type of outcome do you want? What seems like the best solution to you? Flexibility Recognition of each others differences Open to change Attack the problem, not each other
Can you help? 1)Think of ways to help resolve the situation 2)Win – Win Situations 3)Steps in Negotiation YIFjo YIFjo
Win – Win Situations You and your brother both want to watch a different show on television. Win – Win resolution You want to go to the movies and your friend wants to go to the mall. Win – Win resolution You want to sleep over at a friends house but your mom will not let you because it is a school night. Win – Win Resolution
Active Listening Listen politely Ask questions – make sure that you understand Repeat what other person has said in your own words Respect/acknowledge speakers feelings and point of view
Keys to success Look at the person (eye contact) Don’t fake listen Stop working Stop watching television Sit-up straight Make statements – “I understand,” “I see,” and “Okay” Look interested Ask questions for clarification
Role – Play!!! In groups of 5, develop a correct role-play for active listening
Resources: HEALTHTEACHER. (2000). Health Lesson Plans for Grades K-12 - from Infomation. (n.d.). Active Listening: A Communication Tool. from HEALTHTEACHER. (2000). Health Lesson Plans for Grades K-12 - from Mind Tools Ltd. (2000). from QCC. from =8&Grade=9-12&CSID=244&keywords=&CSType=C&View=SL Self-Concept in Family Setting. from on_Stamp=&LPID=16939