Hi! You need: Pen/pencil laptop Warm Up (10/6/14): Get a laptop and boot it up. This week’s essential guiding question: How do rhetorical strategies contribute to a writer’s style?
Agenda: Warm Up: Essential Question review Student/Teacher Conferences o Draft 2 Only! Style Icons: Presidential Speeches o Monday—research your president’s background & legacy. o Tuesday—determine & analyze 3 speeches from that president. o Wednesday—continue to analyze 3 speeches from that president. o Thursday—create a visual that reveals how that president’s use of rhetoric contributed to his style. Homework: o Draft 3 due next Tuesday o Get college stuff organized: ask for rec letters, finish applications. When you leave you will have: -analyzed the use of rhetorical strategies in presidential speeches. -determined the style of a specific president.
Hi! You need: Pen/pencil Warm Up (10/6/14): Essential Question chalk talk. What’s a chalk talk? Participate!
Agenda: Warm Up: Essential Question chalk talk Frame It! Go back to the prompt for help! o QUOTES o PICTURE o PARAGRAPH Learning Log: Your choice! Homework: Finish your FRAME picture. Annandale, Virginia When you leave you will have: -connected Into the Wild, Chris McCandless, and our essential question.
When you’re finished: Get a piece of notebook paper; divide it up like this and complete the right hand column. 4 things you learned in this chapter 2 things you notice about Chris as a person 2 questions you have