TAG and MSEsG 18 & 19 th November 2015 Priorities for enhanced information exchange across sectors and borders: State of play and next steps Common Information Sharing Environment
1.Background Commission communication on CISE next steps (8 th July 2014) "CISE is a voluntary collaborative process in the EU seeking to further enhance and promote relevant information sharing between authorities involved in maritime surveillance" " The objective is to ensure that information collected by one maritime authority and considered necessary for the operational activities of others can be shared and be subject to multiuse" " Identifying information that could be exchanged between civilian and military authorities will be important" Focus of CISE: identify and fulfil information needs which require cross-sectoral and cross-border cooperation.
2. Work done so far on the identification of data gaps 2012: assessment of data gaps by the Technical Advisory Group using a comprehensive matrix covering more than 500 data elements. 2012: final reports of projects BlueMassMed and Marsuno expressing recommendations for improved data-exchange 2014: CoopP: set of use cases/operational scenarios requiring information exchange across sectors and borders
3.Next step: information needs prioritization Main objective: identify concrete information needs with a high operational added-value and practical feasibility, using the 2012 gaps assessment as a starting point. Tasks: Update the needs identified so far. Rank the needs on the basis of their operational added-value. Assess the feasibility of enhanced data-exchange: the desired data must exist in a computerized format.
3.Next step: information needs prioritization Process Project team: DG MARE, JRC, DIGIT + consultant for methodological support. Need to involve operational experts from national authorities from different sea-basins. Follow-up by TAG and MSEsG. Phase 1 1 st quarter 2016 Preparation of methodology Phase 2 2 nd and 3 rd quarter 2016 Interactions with national authorities Phase 3 4 th quarter 2016 Final report
Vessels 4. Possible approach to frame the identification of information-sharing priorities Focus the assessment of priorities on a set of well-defined areas deriving from the CISE data and service model, e.g: Vessels positions (dynamic) Vessels positions (dynamic) Vessels details (static) Vessels details (static) Cargo Cargo of interest Cargo Cargo of interest Vessels of interest Persons Surveillance and intervention assets Incidents Accidents Events in a given area Incidents Accidents Events in a given area Vessels records
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