7th Grade Survival Guide OHMS Counselors Mr. Cherry Mrs. Garrard Mrs. Bartholomew Mrs. Walker
Why do Bullies Bully? No Empathy Get Attention Gain Popularity Feel Important Feel Big and Powerful Family Risk Factors Peer Risk Factors Victims Themselves
Types of Bullying Physical Verbal Social Cyber-Bullying
Physical Hitting Shoving Grabbing Kicking Spitting Flicking Threatening gestures Destroying or hiding someone’s belongings Tripping Punching Stealing Bumping someone on purpose
Verbal Threats Lies, Rumors Insulting Family Harassing (gender, race, religion, size, intellect) Teasing Name-Calling
Social Dirty looks Refusing to talk to someone Telling others not to be someone’s friend Spreading rumors Gossiping Making fun of someone Mimicking Ditching/Leaving outa
What Forms of Bullying Do You See?
Cyber-bullying Is Bullying by Using Technology: Sending mean messages on the computer or cell phone Posting embarrassing photos online Spreading gossip/rumors online Threatening or harassing someone online Pretending to be someone else online Spreading gossip/rumors online
Words Hurt…
Before you SPEAK, TEXT, POST…. What are the Consequences?
Why Do Bystanders “Stand By” and Watch? -35% do something (UP-Standers) -38% believe it’s “none of their business” -27% want to do something…but don’t…because…
It Your Business!
An “Up-Stander is Someone Who… Sticks up for you Takes a stand against bullying Helps you when you need it most
Don’t Stand By… Stand Up!! Did you know… --That if one person watching a bullying situation says "Stop it!", half the time the bullying will stop? --When you stand by and do nothing you’re saying that bullying is okay with you. It makes you no better than the bully themselves.
What You Can Do… as an Up-Stander Speak up!...use your voice Don’t give the bully an audience! Be there!...stand next to the person being bullied
Up-standers are the Key to Stop Bullying You could say… – “Leave him alone.” – “That’s not cool!” – “We don’t do that here!” – “Let’s get out of here!” – “Hey! That’s not funny.” – “Stop!” with eye contact
What You Can Do…If You Are Being Bullied Ignore the bully & Walk away Laugh …use humor to make the situation better Stand up to the bully in a non-violent way – Be assertive – “Stop it, I don’t like what you are doing.” Report the bullying to a trusted adult
How to Report… Tell a teacher, counselor or administrator Use the Buddy Box Text to the OHMS Buddy Line Facebook message the “OHMS Counseling Center” Facebook page
Review How many forms of bullying are there and what are they? What does THINK mean? What can YOU do as an UP-STANDER? What can YOU do if YOU are being bullied How can you report?