Coach Hamilton Hazelwood East Middle School
Protists. If you look at a drop of pond water under a microscope, all the "little creatures" you see swimming around are Protists.
Protists!!!!! Prostista means “The Very First” Mostly unicellular, some are multi-cellular (algae) Can be heterotrophic or autotrophic Most live in water (though some live in moist soil or even the human body) ALL are Eukaryotic (have a nucleus)
Yummy in my Tummy! Heterotrophs Autotrophs Must obtain food from surroundings Amoeba Paramecium Have chloroplasts & can make own food Euglena Volvox
I Like to Move It, Move It! Amoeboids Ciliates Flagellates Volvox
Amoeboids Moves by extending cytoplasm outward to form pseudopodia & then pulls rest of the cell behind it
Ciliates Hair-like structures that cover the exterior of the cell, which move back & forth to propel the microorganism
Flagellates Moves by twisting one or more large hairs called flagella
Volvox Spherical colony of cells with 2 flagella each, which beat to move the colony.