Why are these structures impossible?
Lesson 1-1: Points, Lines, and Planes Rigor – To understand the basic terms and postulates of Geometry. Relevance – By understanding the basic terms and postulates, you can better understand which structural designs are possible or not possible.
Fill in #1-11 on the Foundations worksheet while you watch video B.
Postulates vs. Theorems (#12-17) 12. A ___________________ is an assumption accepted without proof. 13. A ___________________ is a statement we can prove. 14. Postulate: Through any two points, there is one and only one _________________________. 15. Postulate: Through any three non-collinear points, there is only one unique ______________________. 16. Postulate: When two planes intersect, they intersect in a ________________________. 17. Postulate: If two lines intersect, they intersect at a unique _______________________. Postulate Theorem line plane line point
Notation Now that you know what these Geometry terms mean, how would you name them? Let’s discuss # on the handout Put this handout in your “notes” section of your binder.
Pass out core books! You are not being assigned an individual book DO NOT Write your name on the core book Mark up/draw on the core books DO: Tear out the first chapter (pgs 1 – 48) and put it in the classwork section of your binder Pass the core books to the left Students in row 1 put the books your period’s cabinet
Classwork from the core book Practice pg 6 #1 – 9 Sketch figure described for #4 - 6, (this counts as your work) I will give you a grade for your work in 10 minutes. Be ready to discuss your answers at that time. 1 desk radius for help. No moving desks!
Homework from the Core book Additional Practice pg 7 # 1 – 11 Problem Solving pg 8 # 1 – 7 Periods 1, 3, & 5: due Thursday Periods 2, 4, 7: due Friday