Tourette Syndrome Kamau Clanagan Health Period 8
What is Tourette Syndrome? Tourette syndrome (TS) is a childhood neuropsychiatric brain disorder accompanied by motor and vocal tics. – TS is a genetic condition that runs in families. However, the precise genetic abnormality responsible for the phenotype has not yet been clarified.
Who doesn’t effect the most? Boys: 75% between the ages of 7-10 Girl: 25% between the ages of 8-11
Symptoms Involuntary movements Involuntary sounds Involuntary actions Involuntary wording
Treatments There no treatments for tourettes. But I have heard black women could smack it out of their child.
Statistics One percent of school age children have TS, although most of them have only mild symptoms. For around 50 percent of children with TS, their tics will disappear in late adolescence. More than 85 percent of people with TS have more than just tics. TS is three to four times more common in boys than girls. 90 percent of people with TS do not have coprolalia - the involuntary use of bad language.
Work Cited 57-overview 57-overview d= AABRP3O d= AABRP3O yndrome/symptoms.htm yndrome/symptoms.htm