NOTES What: Time: Where? Prior Knowledge:
The Scientific Revolution Time: 1500’s – 1700’s AD TERMS 1.Dark Age 2.Gothic Era 3.The Crusades 4.The Renaissance 5.Humanism 6.Reason 7.The Printing Press 8.The Protestant Reformation 9.The Scientific Revolution 10.The Scientific Method 11.Nicolaus Copernicus 12.Geocentric 13.Heliocentic 14.Telescope 15.Galileo Galelei 16.Heresy 17.excommunication 18.Isaac Newton 19.Gravity Reason & Science Return to Europe
Europe in the Dark Ages 450 – 1200’s AD For Centuries most of Europe had been united under the centralized control of the Roman Empire With the collapse of the Western half of the Roman Empire in 450 Europe quickly slips into a Dark Age –Completely decentralized, no central authority to keep order –constant warfare & hardship –Avg. lifespan = 30 yrs/old Sometime referred to as the Gothic Era The Eastern half of the Roman Empire will stay united and flourish for another 1,000 yrs as the Byzantine Empire Through this chaos the Catholic Church asserts control through its Patriarch (Pope) in Rome –In an effort to maintain power the Church keeps strict control over the flow of information in Europe
A Time of Change The Renaissance (1300’s – 15/1700’s) What is the Renaissance? ___________ –caused by the Crusades (group of Holy Wars) –Leads to Humanism Scientific Method Guttenberg perfects the Printing Press (1440AD) –Information to ALL!! Think for yourself! The Scientific Revolution (1500 – 1700’s) –Drastic change in human understanding of the world around them EFFECT: NEW THOUGHT! Movement away from religion and the Catholic Church.
SUMMARY Write 2 complete sentences about what you learned today!
WORD WALL Define orthodox Use it in a sentence in terms of Europe during this time period
TURN IN DEFINITIONS If you defined ORTHODOX and used it in a sentence for EXTRA CREDIT, turn it in now!
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SCIENTISTS AND THINKERS Copernicus Theorizes that solar system is actually heliocentric –Challenges the Geocentric theories of Ptolemy & the Church
Galileo Galilei: - Creates the first Telescope Backs up the heliocentric theory with hard evidence from years of observations
Isaac Newton: Discovered the existence of Gravity - how? – Formulated the Uniform Laws of the Universe
Understanding the Solar System Important Scientist & Thinkers –Copernicus Theorizes that solar system is actually heliocentric –Challenges the Geocentric theories of Ptolemy & the Church –Galileo Galilei: Creates the first Telescope Backs up the heliocentric theory with hard evidence from years of observations –Isaac Newton: Discovered the existence of Gravity –Formulated the Uniform Laws of the Universe
- Open the Numbers App -Create a new slideshow with 3 columns -Title should be “Scientific Revolution Thinkers” -DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF TOMORROW: Fill in 10 facts about Copernicus, Galilei and Newton.
Effects of the Scientific Revolution 1.The power of & faith in the Catholic Church was severely weakened 2.These discoveries revolutionized the way average Europeans thought –Began to question the role of religion in education –Began to solve life’s problems using logic & reasoning 3.Leads directly to The Enlightenment movement –If anything can be solved using reasoning than so can the problems of human societies What is the best way to govern nations? What is the most effective economic system? What is the fairest way to structure society? –These new ideas will challenge the authority of Monarchs as well as the Church
Critical Writing Assessment: The Scientific Revolution Each assessment must be written in Paragraph form 1.Describe 3 major events and inventions that helped lead to the Scientific Revolution between 1300 – 1600AD? 2.Describe how the following early scientist change the way Europeans understood the world around them: Nicolaus Copernicus, Galilio Galilei, & Isaac Newton 3.Describe how the Scientific Revolution both further weakens the power of the Catholic Church as well as inspire new movements in thought?