Christopher Columbus Explorer or Exploiter
Reasons for European Exploration God-Christanize new societies. Gold-Obtain wealth and land for self and for country. Glory-Personal prestige and national pride
Christopher Columbus Italian Navigator Convinced Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain to pay for his journey. Was seeking an all water route to Asia. Arrived in the Americas in 1492
Territory Claimed
Continuing to Compare Columbus In groups of three or four, read Christopher Columbus’s letter about one of his voyages and then read Howard Zinn’s account of the voyages in A Young People’s History of the United States. Complete the questions on the bottom of your “Comparing Columbus” Handout.
Explorer or Exploiter Use your notes and readings from class today and last night to complete the “Explorer or Exploiter” posters. On one side of the poster, demonstrate why Columbus deserves to be praised for his voyages to the Americas. On the other side, show why he should be condemned. Follow the directions at the top of the handout.