The Everlasting Gospel: (Revelation 14:6-7). “Everlasting”: "ages upon ages without end," past and future. What is this everlasting gospel that will be preached in the most critical moment of man's history? Vs. 7: 1) Fear God, 2) Give glory to Him and 3) Worship the Creator.
Preparation for the Vial Judgments: (Revelation 15). The chapter begins and ends with the expression of the "wrath of God." The vial judgments are described as "the seven last plagues." "filled with the wrath of God" means that the wrath of God is completed.
Preparation for the Vial Judgments: (Revelation 15). The following are attributed to Jesus: 1) Creation; 2) Justice; 3) Object of Worship; 4) Holiness and 5) Omnipotence. These vial judgments or plagues will complete the judgments. The word "vial" means, "bowl."
The First Vial: (Revelation 16:2). Four of these judgments occurred among the plagues of Egypt. This first judgment is directed against the beast worshippers. This plague causes men to be afflicted with painful boils.
The Second Vial: (Revelation 16:3). At the sounding of the second trumpet, one-third part of the sea will become blood. The atmosphere will be filled with stench and will breed much disease.
The Third Vial: (Revelation 16:4-7). When this vial is poured forth all sources of water will be contaminated. Two angels declare the righteousness of God. This angel along with an angel out of the altar declare that God is righteous in judging thus.
The Fourth Vial: (Revelation 16:8-9). The fourth plague is a burning, scorching heat from the sun. This plague gives men a foretaste of the fires of hell, but it has no effect upon them in causing them to turn to God.
The Fifth Vial: (Revelation 16:10-11). The seat of the beast will probably be the rebuilt city of Babylon. This plague brings intense darkness. They had used their tongues in blaspheming God. Now they bite the instrument with which they had blasphemed.
The Sixth Vial: (Revelation 16:12). The judgment of the sixth bowl resembles the sixth trumpet. God dries up the river to prepare the way for the armies of the east.
Three Unclean Spirits: (Revelation 16:13-14). John saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, beast and false prophet. These evil spirits are like frogs.
Three Unclean Spirits: (Revelation 16:13-14). Revelation 12:7- Out of the mouth of the dragon- the spirit of rebellion. Revelation 13:6 - Out of the mouth of the beast - the spirit of blasphemy Revelation 13:14 - Out of the mouth of the False Prophet- the spirit of deception.
The Seventh Vial: (Revelation 16:17-21). This final judgment will bring the world's greatest earthquake. Undoubtedly, this final bowl judgment will take place at the Battle of Armageddon when Jesus Christ will personally return to set up His kingdom.
It Is Done: (Revelation 16:17). Jesus cried out from the cross, "It is finished" (John 19:30) . Here will be the completion of God's plan in the final overthrow of all opposition and the perfection of the judgments of God. An earthquake accompanies both scenes.