Measurement of the branching ratio of the K + decay Update E. De Lucia, R. Versaci on behalf of the charged kaon group
Home works (Hausaufgabe) 1.FILFO correction 2.T3 FILTER correction 3.Efficiency checks 4.Time stability 5.Trigger with not overlapping sectors
FILFO correction C FILFO = (DATA) C FILFO = (MC) Using the same set of runs for DATA and MC : In agreement within the errors BR FILFO = 3x10 -4 BR(K ( )) BR x C FILFO
T3FILTER correction Using the whole DATA sample: BR(K ( )) BR x C T3 C T3 = BR T3FILTER negligible O(10 -6 )
Efficiency evaluation On the sample selected using ECAL we look for a signal event ( i.e. K + reconstructed in the DC FV) using the same event selection used for the signal sample =
Efficiency checks (I) Remember memo #3x10 2 The systematic uncertainties on the efficiency are: 1) Low energy cut (LEC) BR = 5 x (from 10 to 40 MeV) 2) High energy cut (HEC) BR = 2 x (from 70 to 90 MeV) standard cuts: LEC = 20 MeV HEC = 80 MeV pollution of the EMC sample 1.2% p*(MeV/c) Calorimeter sample only true K True K
Efficiency checks (II): pollution/compensation p*(MeV/c) LEC = 40 MeV HEC = 90 MeV 76% generated True K ( ) pollution 3 % Calorimeter sample only true K True K LEC = 10 MeV HEC = 90 MeV 25% generated True K ( ) pollution 0.7 %
Efficiency checks (III) Changing the cuts for the selection of the EMC sample we observe the following maximal variations: DATA efficiency (2) (3) 0 3% Pollution in EMC sample 0.7 % 3 % Correction ( CORR ) CORR 3% For each EMC sample: 1.evaluate the MC corrections CORR 2.apply CORR to the efficiency 0 measured on EMC DATA sample = 0 x CORR Then the initial 0 3% becomes O(10 -4 ) BR 5 x Changing EMC sample : Pollution and compensation have different behaviours!!!! Pollution and compensation have different behaviours !!!!
Efficiency checks (IV): Double ratio MC/Data The double ratio stability is related to our sensitivity to changes of the pollution/compensation effects N.B. set1 and set2 applied on independent DATA samples set1 : LEC = 20 MeV HEC = 80 MeV set2 : LEC = 20 MeV HEC = 85 MeV 2 = 90.33/85 A0 = 0.008
Efficiency checks (IV): Double ratio MC/Data The double ratio stability is related to our sensitivity to changes of the pollution/compensation effects N.B. set1 and set2 applied on independent DATA samples set1 : LEC = 20 MeV HEC = 80 MeV set2 : LEC = 25 MeV HEC = 80 MeV 2 = 85.43/85 A0 = 0.007
Checking various distributions for the kaon tof (ns) KINE Calorimeter sample True K
Checking various distributions for the kaon p K (MeV/c) KINE REC Calorimeter sample True K
Checking various distributions for the decay vtx Rxyz (cm) Rxy (cm) KINE Kaon interacting with the inner DC wall Kaon interacting with the inner DC wall Calorimeter sample True K
Checking various distributions for the secondary p LAB (MeV/c) KINE p LAB (MeV/c) KINE REC Kaon stopped in the inner DC wall, Decay at rest then Plab = 236 MeV Kaon stopped in the inner DC wall, Decay at rest then Plab = 236 MeV Calorimeter sample True K
Checking various distributions for the secondary p LAB (MeV/c) MC-Data comparison DATA MC Kaon stopped in the inner DC wall, Decay at rest then Plab = 236 MeV
Checking various distributions for the secondary cos REC KINE cos Calorimeter sample True K
Checking various distributions for the secondary p T (MeV/c) L(cm) REC Calorimeter sample True K
The “missed” time stability plot
BR K + = (stat.) (syst.) PDG fit = Chiang = Results
V us = (25) Results BR K + = (stat.) (syst.) f K /f =1.210±0.014 (MILC Coll. hep-lat/ ) Following the method from Marciano hep-ph/ : Vud=0.9740± (superallowed -decays)