Measurement of the branching ratio of the K +     decay Update E. De Lucia, R. Versaci on behalf of the charged kaon group.


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Presentation transcript:

Measurement of the branching ratio of the K +     decay Update E. De Lucia, R. Versaci on behalf of the charged kaon group

Home works (Hausaufgabe) 1.FILFO correction 2.T3 FILTER correction 3.Efficiency checks 4.Time stability  5.Trigger with not overlapping sectors 

FILFO correction C FILFO =  (DATA) C FILFO =  (MC) Using the same set of runs for DATA and MC : In agreement within the errors  BR FILFO = 3x10 -4 BR(K  (  ))  BR x C FILFO

T3FILTER correction Using the whole DATA sample: BR(K  (  ))  BR x C T3 C T3 =   BR T3FILTER negligible O(10 -6 )

Efficiency evaluation On the sample selected using ECAL we look for a signal event ( i.e. K +     reconstructed in the DC FV) using the same event selection used for the signal sample =

Efficiency checks (I) Remember memo #3x10 2 The systematic uncertainties on the efficiency are: 1) Low energy cut (LEC)  BR = 5 x (from 10 to 40 MeV) 2) High energy cut (HEC)  BR = 2 x (from 70 to 90 MeV) standard cuts: LEC = 20 MeV HEC = 80 MeV pollution of the EMC sample  1.2% p*(MeV/c) Calorimeter sample only true K  True K 

Efficiency checks (II): pollution/compensation p*(MeV/c) LEC = 40 MeV HEC = 90 MeV 76% generated True K  (  ) pollution  3 % Calorimeter sample only true K  True K  LEC = 10 MeV HEC = 90 MeV 25% generated True K  (  ) pollution  0.7 %

Efficiency checks (III) Changing the cuts for the selection of the EMC sample we observe the following maximal variations: DATA efficiency  (2)  (3)   0  3% Pollution in EMC sample 0.7 %  3 % Correction (  CORR )    CORR  3% For each EMC sample: 1.evaluate the MC corrections  CORR 2.apply  CORR to the efficiency  0 measured on EMC DATA sample  =  0 x  CORR Then the initial  0  3% becomes   O(10 -4 )   BR  5 x Changing EMC sample : Pollution and compensation have different behaviours!!!! Pollution and compensation have different behaviours !!!!

Efficiency checks (IV): Double ratio MC/Data The double ratio stability is related to our sensitivity to changes of the pollution/compensation effects N.B. set1 and set2 applied on independent DATA samples set1 : LEC = 20 MeV HEC = 80 MeV set2 : LEC = 20 MeV HEC = 85 MeV  2 = 90.33/85 A0 =  0.008

Efficiency checks (IV): Double ratio MC/Data The double ratio stability is related to our sensitivity to changes of the pollution/compensation effects N.B. set1 and set2 applied on independent DATA samples set1 : LEC = 20 MeV HEC = 80 MeV set2 : LEC = 25 MeV HEC = 80 MeV  2 = 85.43/85 A0 =  0.007

Checking various distributions for the kaon tof (ns) KINE Calorimeter sample True K 

Checking various distributions for the kaon p K (MeV/c) KINE REC Calorimeter sample True K 

Checking various distributions for the decay vtx Rxyz (cm) Rxy (cm) KINE Kaon interacting with the inner DC wall Kaon interacting with the inner DC wall Calorimeter sample True K 

Checking various distributions for the secondary p LAB (MeV/c) KINE p LAB (MeV/c) KINE REC Kaon stopped in the inner DC wall, Decay at rest then Plab = 236 MeV Kaon stopped in the inner DC wall, Decay at rest then Plab = 236 MeV Calorimeter sample True K 

Checking various distributions for the secondary p LAB (MeV/c) MC-Data comparison DATA MC Kaon stopped in the inner DC wall, Decay at rest then Plab = 236 MeV

Checking various distributions for the secondary cos  REC KINE cos  Calorimeter sample True K 

Checking various distributions for the secondary p T (MeV/c) L(cm) REC Calorimeter sample True K 

The “missed” time stability plot

BR K +     =  (stat.)  (syst.) PDG fit =  Chiang =  Results

V us = (25) Results BR K +     =  (stat.)  (syst.) f K /f  =1.210±0.014 (MILC Coll. hep-lat/ ) Following the method from Marciano hep-ph/ : Vud=0.9740± (superallowed  -decays)