Thank You Letters / Follow-up Letters
Only 10% of interviewees Create a thank you letter
This is a formal business letter After having been interviewed
Make sure your letter(s) Are addressed to individual people. After the interview ask for a business card.
As a formal business letter It is written in a three paragraph format.
Write this letter Clearly and concisely; this is no time to be longwinded or flowery.
The first paragraph is: Purpose. Thank the interviewer for interviewing you, time, date, place and for what position.
Don’t thank them for getting the job This is presumptuous, not confident.
Be sincere and honest For the interviewer, having given you a chance.
The second paragraph is: Amplification. Remind the interviewer why you are qualified for the job.
Be specific, include details of the interview. Make your letter stand out, remind them of what you talked about.
The third paragraph is: Closure. All students can usually use the same paragraph which is: “ I hope to hear from you soon.”
Following the third paragraph finishes with Skip one line and type “Sincerely”, then skip 3-5 lines, type your name, address under your name, then phone # and under your address. Same as a cover letter.
Of course, proof read the letter. This is your last chance to convince the employer, that you should be hired. Grammar and spelling errors can be your downfall.
Thank You letters need to be delivered within 24 hours of the interview Or don’t bother. They will have hired someone else.
ing thank you letters is acceptable Many business people prefer this.
The alternative to is hand delivery Snail mail is just too slow. Leave all thank you letters with the receptionist.