Upper Peninsula Regional Industrial Manufacturing Skills Alliance UP-RIMSA
General Information Entire UP Region with four subgroups –Each subgroup has slightly different strategies and directions –This presentation all UP wide consistent activities –Not included are CTE programs, surveys, strategic planning, Post Secondary Outreach, Wisconsin connections, Internship Outreach etc. –All decisions and direction made by private sector
Marketing Rack cards Posters Careers Booklet In Demand Magazine Website Commercials DVD
K-12 Outreach Project Plan 33 school responses to outreach letter Completed initial school calls and inserted tentative dates in electronic calendar Performed fall follow up calls and reminders to confirm dates Prepared and distributed teacher prep materials Created and distributed manufacturer prep materials
Project Plan cont. Created parent take-home materials Finalized presentation agenda with flexibility for time frames allowed by each school Posters and rack cards distributed to all schools, and Michigan Works! Service Centers
Project Plan cont. Created three evaluations: Presenter, Teacher, Student Created and distributed press release for each presentation Creating and implementing an annual follow up plan to begin reaching out to younger students Coordinated with all conveners
Presentation Plan cont. Obtained copies of careers in focus magazine for use in prep materials Prepared and distribute thank you cards for each presentation
Links to Press Coverage UP-RIMSA Visits UP Schools
Sample of Business Presentations
Questions ?
Equal Opportunity/Employer. Michigan Relay (800) Auxiliary Aids and Services Available to Individuals with Disabilities upon Request.