Public international finance for adaptation Adaptation knowledge day June 9, 2014 Roland Sundstrom
GEF Adaptation Program LDCFSCCFSPATotal Pledges ($m) ,301 Received contributions ($m) ,181 Funding approvals ($m) ,183 Total baseline/ co- financing ($m) 3,6292, ,536 Number of projects Number of countries
Other international sources Adaptation Fund: $395m in March 2014 Pilot Program for Climate Resilience: $1.3bn pledged Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme: > $300m $20-24 bn in adaptation finance in 2013, of which 65 per cent public international climate finance (CPI 2013)
The role of public funds Transforming policy and regulatory environments; Demonstrating, piloting technologies, practices and approaches; Strengthening institutional and technical capacities; Enhancing the knowledge base for CCA through monitoring, analysis and decision-support services; Investing in public goods for resilience + raising the profile of CCA, developing partnerships and networks
The funding gap we know LDCF: full cost of implementing NAPAs exceeds $2bn; annual funding approvals of $ m are falling short of near-term demand SCCF: serves all developing country parties; annual demand for existing pipeline >$250m vs. approvals of $50m/year PPCR: serves nine pilot countries and two pilot regions AF: growing pipeline ($30-40m in March 2014)
Globally, however, “[l]imited evidence indicates a gap between global adaptation needs and the funds available for adaptation (medium confidence) […] Studies estimating the global cost of adaptation are characterized by shortcomings in data, methods, and coverage (high confidence)” (IPCC AR 5 WG II)
Thank you