OMNIBUS: LABOR/HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES/EDUCATIONPRESENTATION CENTER Highlights From The Department of Education’s $68.3 Billion Budget The Department of Education by the Numbers Source: National Journal Research 2015; House Rules Committee. For more information, access the full report here.access the full report here December 18, 2015 | Justin C. Brown $14.9 billion - Title I Program Grants to local school districts to help children become proficient in reading and math, with the ultimate goal of closing the achievement gap between high- and low-performing children, minority and nonminority students, and disadvantaged students and their more advantaged peers $250 million – Preschool Development Grants Supports states’ efforts to build or enhance preschool infrastructure and expand high-quality preschool programs to serve as models for expanding preschool to low- and moderate-income families $230 million – Institute of Museum and Library Services Special funding to maintain and expand cultural museum services (e.g. African American, Native American and Hawaiian history, art and culture) $27 million – Arts in Education Program Supports new awards to national non-profit organizations engaged in arts education, professional development activities and model arts education programs that address the arts access gap $27 million – Innovative Approaches to Literacy Competitive awards to non-profit organizations and libraries to provide books and literacy activities to high-need communities $22.9 million – Native Youth Community Projects Makes competitive awards to support culturally-relevant coordinate strategies to improve the college and career readiness of Native American youth
The Department of Labor Sees Funding Increases Totalling $234.6 Million December 18, 2015 | Justin C. Brown Source: National Journal Research 2015; House Rules Committee. For more information, access the full report here.access the full report here OMNIBUS: LABOR/HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES/EDUCATIONPRESENTATION CENTER The bulk of the Department of Labor’s $12 billion budget goes towards the Employment and Training Administration which received an increase of $339 million from FY 2015 to $10.06 billion. Another $1.7 billion is set aside for the Job Corps to help unemployed young Americans receive education, job training and employment assistance. The remaining $420 million is split between smaller programs. Select FY16 Department of Labor Program Levels Millions of Dollars
OMNIBUS: LABOR/HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES/EDUCATIONPRESENTATION CENTER No Funding For Obamacare, Restrictions Instead Provisions Concerning the Affordable Care Act Source: National Journal Research 2015; House Rules Committee. For more information, access the full report here.access the full report here December 18, 2015 | Justin C. Brown Stops any taxpayer bailout of the Risk Corridor program Blocks the Prevention and Public Health Fund (PPH) from being used as an Obamacare “slush” fund Cuts the Independent Payment Advisory Board, created by Obamacare, by $15 million Restricts Health and Human Services (HHS) from using taxpayer dollars to lobby for Obamacare Directs the Inspectors General at HHS and the Treasury Department to report on improper payments of Obamacare tax subsidies PPH