Danielle London
The Flag of United Kingdom Red- Bravery and Strength Blue- Perseverance and Justice White- Peace and Honesty The crosses on the flag stand for Patrons. The main cross in the middle represents Saint George (patron saint of England). The diagonal red X represents Saint Patrick, patron saint of Ireland. Lastly, the diagonal X represents Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland.
Male: 77 years old Female: 82 years old United Kingdom is ranked 28
62,348,447 (July 2010) Compared to other countries in the world, it’s ranked 22.
Christian-71.6% Muslim-2.7% Hindu 1% Other- 1.6 % Unknown or no religion-23.1%
The main language of this country is English. Although there are some other languages that were brought over from immigrants.
Christmas- during this holiday, many people will take off work for about two weeks as a Christmas break. They celebrate this holiday to recognize the birth of Jesus.
English Pancakes Some ingredients used are flour, eggs, sugar, milk, butter, salt, etc. You will mix your ingredients together with a whisk and use a small cup or measuring cup to pour a pancake the size of your like. Flip when sides are golden brown and serve with butter and syrup or mix it up and add whipped cream, and a fruit on top.
London Eye- located in London, England. Many people visit this Ferris Wheel when they visit London. It is the tallest Ferris Wheel in England. You can also see Big Ben London Eye. In this picture, Big Ben is the small pencil like building by the moon. You will be sure to see a lot of London from this Ferris wheel.
e-world-factbook/geos/uk.html e-world-factbook/geos/uk.html make-english-pancakes make-english-pancakes