A DDING C OINS AND D OLLARS By the first graders
D IRRECTIONS Quiz – click on the right answer and follow the directions
Y OU ’ RE R IGHT GREAT Job! You can move on to the next question by clicking on the arrow below.
T RY A GAIN Click bellow and try again
Y OU ’ RE R IGHT You are Doing GREAT!! To Keep going click on the arrow below !
T RY A GAIN Click on the link below and try answering the question again.
Q UESTION #3 If I have $1.55 what does that =?
Y OU ’ RE R IGHT KEEP up the GOOD work!
T RY A GAIN You can do it try one more time… Click the arrow at the bottom to go back to the question
G REAT J OB C LASS I am So proud of YOU ALL!