Power point example The following presentation will be approximately 2 minutes in length Focuses on a problem and solutions Shows works cited You need to pay attention to typed words vs spoken words and how sources are cited.
U.S. Penny Made of 97.5% zinc coated with 2.5% copper (1) Cost of making 1 penny is 1.66 cents (2) This means over $100 million is spent making pennies every year! (3)
Solutions? Different Materials US Mint studied different metal compositions in 2010 Found no viable alternatives (3) Congress pressured by zinc lobby to keep penny metals even with raising zing costs (4) Stop making pennies Other US coins have already been decommissioned Half Penny in 1857 (5) Canada stopped producing pennies in 2012 Prices rounded to nearest 5 cent (6) New Zealand stopped using both pennies and 5 cent coins in 2006 (7)
Works cited 1. memorial-cent/ memorial-cent/ 2. 2/15/it-cost-1-7-cents-to-make-a-penny-this-year-and-8- cents-to-make-a-nickel/ 2/15/it-cost-1-7-cents-to-make-a-penny-this-year-and-8- cents-to-make-a-nickel/ 3. s_nickels/ s_nickels/ 4. penny-makes-cents-zinc-backed-front-grouphttp:// penny-makes-cents-zinc-backed-front-group money/canada-drops-the-penny-but-will-the-us.html?_r=0http:// money/canada-drops-the-penny-but-will-the-us.html?_r=0 7. to-produce-is-the-penny-worth-it http:// to-produce-is-the-penny-worth-it
U.S. Penny Made of 97.5% zinc coated with 2.5% copper ( cents/lincoln-memorial-cent/) cents/lincoln-memorial-cent/ Cost of making 1 penny is 1.66 cents ( 14/12/15/it-cost-1-7-cents-to-make-a-penny-this-year- and-8-cents-to-make-a-nickel/) 14/12/15/it-cost-1-7-cents-to-make-a-penny-this-year- and-8-cents-to-make-a-nickel/ This means over $100 million is spent making pennies every year! ( _nickels/)
Solutions? Different Materials US Mint studied different metal compositions in 2010 Found no viable alternatives ( 15/news/economy/pennies_nicke ls/) 15/news/economy/pennies_nicke ls/ Congress pressured by zinc lobby to keep penny metals even with raising zing costs ( 2014/07/02/14959/saving- penny-makes-cents-zinc-backed- front-group) 2014/07/02/14959/saving- penny-makes-cents-zinc-backed- front-group Stop making pennies Other US coins have already been decommissioned Half Penny in 1857 ( ents/half_cents.html) ents/half_cents.html Canada stopped producing pennies in 2012 Prices rounded to nearest 5 cent ( 4/08/your-money/canada-drops- the-penny-but-will-the- us.html?_r=0) 4/08/your-money/canada-drops- the-penny-but-will-the- us.html?_r=0 New Zealand stopped using both pennies and 5 cent coins in 2006 ( sy-to-lose-and-expensive-to- produce-is-the-penny-worth-it ) sy-to-lose-and-expensive-to- produce-is-the-penny-worth-it
Works cited 1. memorial-cent/ memorial-cent/ 2. 2/15/it-cost-1-7-cents-to-make-a-penny-this-year-and-8- cents-to-make-a-nickel/ 2/15/it-cost-1-7-cents-to-make-a-penny-this-year-and-8- cents-to-make-a-nickel/ 3. s_nickels/ s_nickels/ 4. penny-makes-cents-zinc-backed-front-grouphttp:// penny-makes-cents-zinc-backed-front-group money/canada-drops-the-penny-but-will-the-us.html?_r=0http:// money/canada-drops-the-penny-but-will-the-us.html?_r=0 7. to-produce-is-the-penny-worth-it http:// to-produce-is-the-penny-worth-it