UNIT II Lesson 5
Extort to obtain by threats, force, or other types of oppression _______________ In the 1930s J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, arrested members of the mafia who often extorted money from legitimate merchants.
Ostentation a showy display of wealth meant to impress others _____________ Fitzgerald’s character Jay Gatsby purchases a mansion and luxury car in ostentation and an attempt to gain Daisy’s attention.
Lattice a structure of crisscrossed strips forming a pattern of openings ________________ Beautiful roses bloomed as the bushes climbed the garden lattice.
Beguile to influence by deceit; to trick ________________ Wile E. Coyote’s attempts to beguile Roadrunner into his traps usually backfire!
Placid calm; peaceful; undisturbed ________________ Waters of the lake were quite placid following the storm the previous night.
Respite a period of rest or relief, as from work or sorrow ________________ Football players enjoy respite during halftime.
Balm something that heals or soothes, as an ointment ______________ Sue applied balm to her dry, cracked lips.
Obeisance a movement or gesture, such as a bow, that expresses respect _______________ In former days, when gentlemen observed more manners, they tipped their hats in obeisance to ladies.
Countenance facial expression ________________ The doctor’s worried countenance showed that the lab results were serious.
Dirge slow, mournful piece of music, such as a funeral hymn _____________ A huge crowd gathered to listen to the dirges and observe the procession at Princess Diana’s funeral.