Intro Objective 3 January 2012 Review classroom procedures. List as many of the classroom rules and procedures as you can remember. 1
Ms. Foltin Earth Science Room 723
What do you need everyday in science class? What other supply would also help you in science class? Notebook Pencil Agenda Brain Glue or tape
Which way are you suppose to walk in the hallway? What should you never do with your locker combo? How must you be dressed everyday for school? One-way Hallway ◦ Enter via doors by Mr. Tanneberg’s room ◦ Exit via doors by Mrs. Graham’s room Lockers ◦ Do not give ANYONE your combination Dress-Code ◦ Must always be in appropriate attire
Pants No Holes! No Sagging!
Sweatshirts No hoods of any kind!!!
NO HOODIES! No hoods of any kind!!!
NO BAGS!! Until you receive a locker all book bags will be stored UNDER you desk at ALL times Ladies… No large purses. Purse should not be big enough to hold a notebook.
Shoes ◦ soles ◦ NO flip/flops, shower shoes, or slippers Shirts ◦ any solid navy, white or tan color ◦ Collared ◦ Long sleeved shirts UNDER collared shirt Pants ◦ navy, tan, or blue jeans ◦ NO torn jeans/athletic pants Shorts, Skirts, and Skorts ◦ navy, tan, or white ◦ fingertip length Sweaters, Sweatshirts, and Vests ◦ Over collared shirts ◦ NO hoodies Jackets and Coats ◦ Not allowed in classrooms If you violate the dress code you will be sent to the Dean’s office with a Dress Code Violation slip and you cannot return to class until they have signed it.
Who are the three main people on your educational team? Who else is on your team? TEAM YOU ◦ You ◦ Parent/Guardian ◦ Teacher Could also include: ◦ Guidance Counselor ◦ Dean ◦ Nurse ◦ Other Teachers ◦ Family ◦ Friends
What are the four main rules of the classroom? What does respect mean? What is the Golden Rule? Respect your Teacher Respect your Peers Respect your Self Respect your Environment Respect: Sense of worth of a person Just remember the Golden Rule: ◦ Treat others the way YOU want to be treated.
What are some consequences when you break the classroom rules? Breaking any classroom rule will result in one or all of the following: Warning In-Class Alternate Assignment Time-out Positive Behavior Reflection Guidance Referral Dean’s Referral After-school detentions
How do you earn tickets? What can you win in the raffle? How to earn tickets: ◦ Good behavior ◦ Helpful to the teacher or other students ◦ Good grades on projects, labs, or quizzes: A+= 3 tickets A = 2 tickets B = 1 ticket Raffle at the end of the month, where up to ten students can win prizes such as: ◦ Candy/Pencils/Pens/Erasers etc. ◦ Mystery Cards ◦ Shoot for the Hoop
What type of assessment affects your grade the most in science class? I use a points system where every assignment is worth a certain amount of points. ◦ Classwork/Homework = 10pts. ◦ Quizzes = 10 – 25pts. ◦ Projects = 20 – 60pts. ◦ Labs = 30 – 75pts. You are trying to earn as many points as possible.
How are you suppose to enter the classroom? What is the first thing you should do when you enter the classroom? Once you write your HW in your agenda, what should you do next? 1. Enter respectfully and quietly 2. Write down HW in Agenda ◦ No Homework? Write down ‘None’ 3. Work on Intro quietly 4. Check Missing Assignments
When are you considered late? What do you do if you are late? When the bell stops ringing. If you are late, then you must go to the Dean’s office and receive a Tardy Lock Out Slip. ◦ You will not be let back in until a pass has been given to you.
When can you sharpen pencils without asking? Once class starts, what is the correct procedure to sharpen your pencil? In the beginning of class. Raise your hand and ask.
When is attendance taken? How do you know when Ms. Foltin is ready to begin class? What is the proper response? Why do we say this? Beginning of class She will say “Good morning/afternoon class.” “Good morning/afternoon Ms. Foltin.” Shows respect and manners
What format or style are notes to be written in? Cornell Style Notes
Cornell-Style Notes Left portion of page ◦ Questions ◦ Main ideas ◦ Vocabulary Right portion of page ◦ Answers to the question ◦ Description of topic ◦ Definition of vocabulary Bottom of page ◦ Summary Question Main Idea Vocab. Answer Description Definition Summary
When the lesson begins, what is our voice level? When working in groups, what voice level are we at? When do we use voice level 3? What do we never do when communicating in the classroom? 0 = no talking 1 = whispering 2 = quiet voice During presentations Shout or yell
Who or what dismisses you? What are the three requirements for dismissal? Will late passes be given if you cannot fulfill the requirements? Which way do we exit the classroom? The teacher…NOT the bell Clean room Quiet In your seat No Exit door ONLY
When are grades posted? When are Missing Assignments posted? Monday & Tuesday Wednesday - Friday
Why would your name be on the missing assignments? When are Missing assignments due? You did not hand in a lab, project, HW or quiz. Friday
What is the first thing you do when you return from an absence? When you’re still unsure about what you missed, what do you do? Check the folders in the back for notes and assignments that you missed. Ask the teacher.
What should you do when there is a substitute or other guest teacher in the classroom? What happens if your name is written down by a substitute? Work diligently and silently Automatic after school detention
How do we line up for a fire drill? Which door do we exit the classroom? Which door do we exit the school? When is attendance taken? Boy & Girl Line Exit door Back of 7 th grade hallway As soon as we exit the school Again, when we reach the back field.
What are considered distracting electronics and never allowed in science class? Where do you pick up confiscated electronics? Who picks up confiscated electronics? Cell phones iPods Anything else not considered educational Dean’s office Parents/Guardians If I see it or hear it, I take it.
When do I offer extra help? Do I give extra credit? Mornings and afternoons any day Just ask Rarely and spontaneously Why would I give extra work, if you can’t do the work that’s already given?
What’s my website so you can check HW and get PowerPoints? What is my address so you can contact me with questions or concerns? Search: Foltin
Objective 3 January 2012 Outro Review classroom procedures. What topic in Earth Science that we learned so far, was your favorite? 33