Unlocking Shakespeare’s Language!
Why Use Different Forms? 1- Clue people into what is going on! 2- Appeal to different emotions, reveal what is going on inside the characters 3-Define characters’ characteristics!
Prose Prose: “ a : the ordinary language people use in speaking or writing b : a literary medium distinguished from poetry especially by its greater irregularity and variety of rhythm and its closer correspondence to the patterns of everyday speech ” rhythm “Closer to everyday speech” Such as……..??
Rhyme Ritualistic/chorus effect Define a moral, give a prologue or epilogue Play within a play (distinguish from story and real life) Songs Example of bad verse Point to supernatural
Verse “Comes close to the natural speaking rhythms of English but raises it above the ordinary without sounding artificial (unlike the "singsong" effect produced by dialogue in rhyme). Art elevates and distills the everyday; writing in blank verse helps sharpen that distinction. Blank verse, as opposed to prose, is used mainly for passionate, lofty or momentous occasions and for introspection; it may suggest a refinement of character.” verseprose
Iambic Pentameter Type of Verse! 5 sets of 2 syllables Unstressed, Stressed 1 set = a foot Akala: “Human Heartbeat” Many famous speeches written in this form