Total availability of water in earth-1.37X18 8 M ha m Fresh water – 2.8 % Saline water – 97.2% Surface water – 2.2% Groundwater- 0.6% Glaciers – 2.15 % Lakes & reservoirs – 0.01% Streams – % Water vapour in atm % Soil moisture – 0.002% Economically extracted – 0.3 % Remaining is at depth > 800m
WATER RESOURCES IN NORTH INDIA Rivers Dams Check basins Wells Lakes, etc,
RIVERS Beas, Satluj, Ravi, Chenab Jhelum. The ganges Yamuna
Water Resources Management The north region of India has ground water resources km 3 surface water km 3 Ultimate irrigation potential in the region is 1488 thousand ha from major and 1755 thousand ha from minor irrigation projects
Rainfall pattern and distribution. Annual average rainfall is about 120 cm North – west monsoon. Winter (little amount) 75 percent total rainfall is received in the four month period from June-September. Himalayas gets heavy precipitation. Rajasthan desert is lowest with 15 cm.
River project estimation Name of Basin Catchment area(m ha) Average annual precipitation(c m) Total precipitation( m ha m) Mean temperature(d egree centigrade) Average annual run- off(m ha m) Indus Basin Ganga Basin Brahmaputra Basin West-flowing Rivers East-flowing Rivers Loni & Ghaggar Basin Total