Barriers to Interoperability Task Force Meeting Interoperability Measurement Update September 25, 2015 Pre-Decisional Do not Cite or Distribute the Contents of This Presentation 1
Agenda Describe draft interoperability measurement framework Describe proposed measures to assess progress in the near-term and long-term Discuss next steps for assessing progress in the near-term vs. long-term 2
Draft Interoperability Measurement Framework 3
Measuring Progress along the Journey
Near-Term Measurement Framework:
Proposed Measures for Assessing Progress: Key metrics The proportion of individuals, office-based physicians, hospitals, and behavioral health, long-term care, and post-acute care providers that: – Send, receive, find and use electronic health information; – Have electronic health information available from outside sources and make electronic health information available to outside sources; and – Use electronic health information from outside sources to inform decision-making Context: Ascertain the prevalence and strength of barriers to interoperability 6
Next steps for near-term measurement Report on progress based upon current data sources – National survey data – Meaningful Use attestation data Work with stakeholders and Federal Partners to refine measures and data sources, and address gaps – Shift to measures based on system usage – Expand scope to behavioral health care providers and LTPAC – Adoption and uptake of standards 7
Next steps Engagement with Federal Partners and stakeholders to expand scope of measurement outside of care continuum and individuals – ASPE is supporting the development of interoperability measures for outside of traditional health care settings and patient generated data Development of a comprehensive measurement framework to identify downstream impacts of interoperability via validated, external stakeholder driven process – NQF type process 9
Summary The scope of near-term ( ) interoperability measurement: – Sending, receiving, finding and using of electronic health information across the care continuum and individuals – Availability of information from outside sources and subsequent usage of that information – Barriers impeding interoperability The scope of the long-term measurement (beyond 2017) expands: – Settings beyond healthcare – Impacts on key processes and outcomes sensitive to interoperability 10
Questions? Contact: Vaishali Patel 11