Welcome to 11 th Grade English
To Do Classroom Procedures Class Materials Expectations “This Year”… Summer Reading 25 Things
Daily Routine Come in PREPARED for class – Pen/paper, paper, binder/notebook, folder, homework done, etc. Grab necessary text – Will vary throughout the course Sit down and begin Do Now
Binder/Notebook 5 Subject divided as such: – Do Nows – Reading – Writing – Vocabulary – Grammar
Do Nows 10 minutes once the bell rings At least ½ a page per entry for full credit Collected every “last day” of every other week at the beginning of the block Minor assessment Individual Reading due Day A: Friday 9/11 Day B: Thursday 9/10
You are juniors so… Class Participation is KEY Respect is NECESSARY Late Work is YOUR RESPONSIBILTY Technology is at TEACHER’S DISCRETION Academic Honesty/School Policies will be FOLLOWED
This Year… Reviewing the basics Covering a variety of texts SAT/ACT Prep Research Paper
PreTest This is just to check what you know now! – Day A: 9/3 – Day B: 9/8
25 Things
1. I have two middle names. 2. I am the youngest sibling and the tallest. 3. I have never been to Disney. 4. The first time I went to the Jersey Shore I was 16 years old. 5. I was in five honor societies when I graduated college. 6. I am fluent in Spanish. 7. I have never been to Europe. 8. I have a fear of centipedes and millipedes. 9. My favorite animal is a sloth. 10. My favorite color is purple. 11. I am an Ohio State Buckeyes fan. 12. If I had to choose a pro football team, my favorite are the Giants. 14. I want to learn Portuguese. 14. I student taught here last spring. 15. I only like baseball when I am actually at the game. 16. My favorite holiday is the 4 th of July. 17. Even though I hate how loud fireworks can be. 18. I used to work at an all boys camp. 19. My favorite food is pizza (I eat it at least once a day). 20. My favorite place to visit is the local pizzeria. 21. I have two older sisters. 22. My favorite fall activity is apple picking. 23. I hate the winter because it is so cold!! 24. My favorite music is R&B and pop. 25. I am very excited for the year!!