Shakespeare’s Language A Brief Look
English Language History Languages naturally change over time. New words are always being added (Internet terms). Languages can also be dead (Latin) English has changed over the centuries, and is still changing today. A Great Vowel Shift occurred A movement in time when vowels began to be said differently. The angle of the tongue began to push more forward.
Shakespeare’s English Scholars recognize three historical periods in English Old English Middle English Modern English Shakespeare speaks Modern English!
Shakespeare’s English Continued Shakespeare is credited by the Oxford English Dictionary with the introduction of nearly 3,000 words into the language (example: bedroom, assassin, blanket, numb, unreal, dawn) Shakespeare uses contractions in his writing to meet the syllable requirements in a line (iambic pentameter) Shakespeare uses Malapropisms Words purposely used incorrectly for a joke— usually done by a lower class citizen.
A Tiny Glossary of Shakespeare Three ways to say “you” Thou: Friends or Family “You”: Formal, used with strangers “Ye”: Usually plural “An” and “And” can also mean “if” “Hap” or “Haply” means perhaps Contractions: Shakespeare would omit syllables to make things fit and sound better ‘t: it Tis: it is O’er: over E’er: ever Ne’er: never