WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS ARE IN YOUR FILM – AGE, GENRE, RACE, SOCIAL CLASS, PROFESSION, NATIONALITY? Our opening title sequence contains twos different characters- the antagonist ( Benedict Black) and the protagonist ( Sam Cooke). They are very different in the ways they act and in the scenes they are found.
BENEDICT BLACK Black is an intelligent man in his late 20’s. He is an African American male. Working class- as a Computer analyst. Things went wrong and he became a psychopath when our protagonist disowned him. This character has been taken ideas from ‘Se7en’ John Doe. He is a middle class man and wears a black suit which could indicate that he either thinks he’s an ordinary man or that he’s trying to hide in plain side. He is a computer technician and highly intelligent, although unstable because of his past. Black is a fairly typical antagonist in that he is emotionally unstable and does wrong because of actions in his past. He has been presented in a typical way in that we never find out too much about him. His action represent him as a character.
SAM COOKE Cooke is a white male in his 20’s and was inspired by Jamie Fox in ‘Collateral’. This is because he is just a normal person that is just living life as normal and is thrown into the plot of a thriller. He works as an estate agent this links to Black’s past, although he does not know this at the time and is in great shock. Just like Benedict Black- this character has been inspired from other typical thriller characters. Sam Cooke is a casual, normal boring man, that has been thrown into the plot of this thriller.