The Scarlet Letter Introduciton
The Scarlet Letter Written by Nathaniel Hawthorne (b. 1804) Novel was written around 1850 The novel is set in Boston, Mass. About 1690
(setting of The Scarlet Letter) Boston (setting of The Scarlet Letter) Plymouth (where Mayflower landed in 1620/setting for Bradford’s memoir Of Plymouth Plantation)
Setting Setting is CRITICAL to the PLOT of the novel 1690’s Boston was a Puritan Village Like other Puritan settlements in New England, the local and colonial governments were theocracies
Theocracy Greek origin Theo : God Cratos : Rule Theocracy: Government where the civil laws are based (in whole or in part) on religious laws; civil leaders in theocracies are probably also important religious leaders Example of theocracy: In Saudi Arabia, places are forbidden to sell alcohol or meat, and women cannot drive or vote because Islam forbids it.
Puritanism Began in England in the mid-1500’s A sect of Calvinists Calvinism names after Swiss theologian John Calvin Calvinism: Predetermination/predestination No religious authority BUT Scripture
Puritans Puritans quickly fell out of favor in England, where the king was the head of the Church of England They recognized neither the king’s secular or religious authority, and so quickly became enemies of civil and religious leaders In 1600’s, Puritans left England for Holland, which even in the 17th Century was a very liberal society– The Puritans disliked the gov. permissiveness and tolerance
Puritans in america 1620: Puritans left Holland for the New World Established Plymouth Plantation in the “savage wilderness” of New England Retained those aspects of European society they liked; created new laws, policies, etc. to replace the elements of society they did not like Scripture was central to religion and government, scholarship (reserved for men only) was a highly valued right
Puritans in America Puritans emphasis on Self-reliance Independence Individual achievement Individual responsibility Personal accountability Power through ability (education) All of which were discouraged in the Old World become the basis of “American Rugged Individualism”
Crime & punishment Puritan Boston c. 1690 was still a theocratic society. A crime against church (God) was the equivalent to a crime against another person or the State Offense could land you in the pillory or stocks. (Entire purpose was public display and public humiliation) Stocks were built on a scaffold in the center of village so townspeople could mock offender (throw rotten vegetables or stones)
Crime & punishment After serving jail and pillory sentence, a convicted criminal would often be required to wear some outward sign of his/her offense The “scarlet letter” of the novel’s title refers to the scarlet letter “A” that Hester is made to wear on her clothing as punishment for her crime of Adultery
The Custom house Author Nathaniel Hawthorne claims to have found a letter written by Hester Prynne and an embroidered scarlet “A.” The letter tells of Hester’s experience, which Hawthorne relates in the novel The novel is NOT based in historical fact, but Hawthorne uses “The Custom House” to give his story credibility Hawthorne’s family came from Boston and he was a descendent of a judge in the Salem Witch Trials.
American romantics Stems from break from the lack of fantastical and creative artistry of the Puritans Reflects the still innocent, pre-Civil War United States Characteristics of Romantic work: Focus on love of nature Focus on the individual Focus on truth as a universal concept Imaginative, fantastical settings
American romantics Characteristics (continued) Highly symbolic Features elements of supernatural Favors emotion over intellect Development of national pride
Major themes Appearance v. Reality Individual v. society Quest of Individual Expression Good v. Evil; Light v. Dark Nature v. Civilization Need for Human Connection