The American Labor Force CHAPTER 12 Southwest High School
Civilian Labor Force CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE Total number of people 16 years old or older who are employed or actively seeking work Does NOT include: Those not looking for work RETIRED, FULL-TIME STUDENTS, STAY-AT-HOME PARENTS Those not able to work DISABLED, PEOPLE IN PRISON, PEOPLE IN MENTAL INSTITUTIONS
Current Unemployment in the US 10 LOWEST RATES10 HIGHEST STATES
Classification of US Workers BLUE-COLLAR Employed in crafts, manufacturing, & non- farm labor WHITE-COLLAR Employed In office, sales, or professional positions SERVICE WORKERS People who provide services directly to individuals
Skill Levels UNSKILLED WORKERS Jobs require no specialized training SEMISKILLED WORKERS Jobs require some training Often uses modern technology SKILLED WORKERS Have learned a trade/craft though either education or experience PROFESSIONALS Highly educated with college degrees Usually additional education/training
SUPPLY & DEMAND 3 Factors Affecting Our Wages FACTOR #1: SKILL Talent, Initiative, Education, Training A TIGHT LABOR MARKET is created by: High Demand Scarce Supply RESULTS IN: Higher “Prices”…aka “Wages”
SUPPLY & DEMAND 3 Factors Affecting Our Wages FACTOR #2: JOB TYPE What is required of an employee in their job Determines how much an employer is willing to pay Determines how much an employee is willing to accept in pay Dangerous & Unpleasant Jobs PAY MORE
SUPPLY & DEMAND 3 Factors Affecting Our Wages FACTOR #: LOCATION If finding qualified workers is scarce in an area Employers will pay more to attract workers Potential workers will require more from employers as an incentive to move If finding qualified workers is not scarce Employers will pay less because supply is plentiful Potential workers will accept less in order to have a job that someone else might take if they don’t
Restrictions on Wages If labor markets were perfectly competitive… Wages would shift constantly based on the supply/demand ratio of that industry 2 FACTORS RESTRICT THIS Wage Negotiations Between management & employee labor unions Minimum Wage Law Set by the government
Development of Labor Unions Working conditions in the 1800’s where NOT good! What have we seen in the “Men who Built America”? Steel Mill Conditions?
Development of Labor Unions To better their working conditions workers began to form LABOR UNIONS Association of workers organized to improve wages & working conditions for its members Unionization was fought against State legislatures banned unions Courts upheld state laws Businesses refused to hire union members Employees that joined unions were fired
Organized Labor in the US CRAFT UNION Skilled workers in a specific trade or industry American Federation of Labor (AFL) First permanent organization of craft unions Founded by Samuel Gompers INDUSTRIAL UNION All the workers in an industry regardless of job or skill level Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) First significant effort to unionize unskilled & semiskilled labor
AFL v. CIO Late 1930s and Early 1940s AFL and CIO had a rivalry Both sides trying to gain more members Both sides setting up unions in the other’s primary area of interest 1955 AFL-CIO merger
Union Organization 3 levels: Local, National, & Federation LOCAL UNION Members in a particular factory, company, or geographical area Duties of a Local Union Negotiating contracts Ensuring contracts are kept Amount of influence a local union has depends on the membership policy it has negotiated with management
Local Union Membership Types CLOSED SHOP Company where only union members can be hired Outlawed by the Taft-Hartley Act (1947) UNION SHOP Requires new employees to join a union after a specific period of time (3 months) Taft-Hartley Act allows states to ban these AGENCY SHOP Employees are not required to join the union, but must pay union dues
Restriction to Local Union Membership RIGHT-TO-WORK LAWS State laws forbidding unions from forcing workers to join and pay union dues Employees who work in the railway or airline industries are not protected Employees who work on a federal enclave may not be protected
Union Organization NATIONAL UNIONS Representing local unions nationwide Help employees set up local unions, negotiate contracts, & provide lawyers and other staff members In certain industries they negotiate for the entire industry (not just with one company) When a majority of members accept a contract it goes into effect for all members
Union Organization FEDERATION LEVEL AFL-CIO Made up of more than 50 national & international unions Approximately 9 million members
Negotiations COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Process by which unions & employers negotiate the conditions of employment Companies want to keep labor cost low Low cost = low price to consumer Helps stay competitive with other companies Unions want increased wages & benefits Increases employee morale Increases livelihood of employees
Negotiations Contract issues include Working Hours Fringe Benefits COST-OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENTS (COLA) Provision calling for a wage increase each year if the general level of prices rise
If Union and Management Can’t Reach an Agreement MEDIATION A neutral person tries to get both sides to reach an agreement during negotiations NOT LEGALLY BINDING ARBITRATION Union & management submit the issues they cannot agree on to a third party for a final decision Both Sides Agree In Advance To Accept The Arbitrator’s Decision As Final
Tactics Used by Workers / Unions STRIKE Deliberate work stoppage by workers Usually happens if the union & management cannot come to terms PICKETING Striking workers walk in front of a workplace with signs stating their disagreement with the company Encourage non-union members not to go to work Gain public support of their cause Embarrass the company
Getting the Community Involved BOYCOTT Economic pressure exerted by unions urging the public not to purchase the goods/services produced by the company May also encourage politicians to get involved & voice support for the union MAY PERMANENTLY LOSE CUSTOMERS TO THEIR COMPETITORS!!!
Tactics Used by Management LOCKOUTS Management prevents workers from returning to work until they agree to a new contract NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL INJUNCTIONS Court order preventing an action Used by management to limit picketing or prevent a strike Taft-Hartley Act Allows the President to delay/halt a strike…if it will endanger the nation’s safety/health
Accomplishments of “The Modern Union Era” Union & Non-Union Workers have both gained: Better wages & working conditions Sense of security in the workplace More order & fairness in the workplace Made clear the rights & responsibilities of management and employees
Decline of Unions Because of these accomplishments… Non-union workers see little to gain from joining a union Nature of the economy has changed More White Collar Jobs than Blue Collar Jobs Some believe… Unions have lost touch with member needs Increased wages have been passed on to consumers