Improving Word Choice Lesson 2 Copyright © 2015 by Write Score LLC
Today you will learn To identify precise language in texts To improve word choice by using precise language in your written responses To revise and edit your writing based on feedback. Explain to students that the purpose of today’s lesson is to improve word choice by recognizing higher-level vocabulary and utilizing academic and domain-specific vocabulary in their own writing. They will read and identify precise language in the text. Then, they will respond to the text using precise language. They will participate in a peer review and edit their work based on feedback.
Vocabulary Tiers school park run Tier 1: Everyday vocabulary Tier 2: Academic vocabulary Tier 3: Domain-specific vocabulary analysis consistent outcome geothermal polynomial binary Explain that Tier 1 words are everyday words that are familiar to most 8th graders. Tier 2 words are higher level vocabulary words, and Tier 3 words are words that are specific to a field of study or content area.
Specialized words (Tier 3) Precise Language Tier 2 Words Vivid Verbs Specific Adjectives & Adverbs Specialized words (Tier 3) Also review precise language: Verbs should be vivid: trudged vs. walked; Adjectives and adverbs need to be specific: critically endangered species vs. some animals; Specialized words should be included to provide clarity: Neurosurgeons vs. doctors
Modeled Instruction Read Made By Mistake silently. As you read, mark the text by circling or highlighting precise language. After students read, have them share out their list of words. Record the list so everyone can see it. Have students explain why they selected each word. Think aloud and model for students as you determine if the word is an example of precise language.
Guided Practice Read the question below. Reread the passage. With a partner, craft a response. Trade papers with another group. Complete the Precise Language Checklist Question: Based on the article, which invention do you think came about in the “weirdest” way? Use precise language and textual evidence to develop your answer. Allow students time to discuss and share ideas. Students should collaborate, but each partner must write a response. Once all partner groups have traded and completed the checklist, have a few students share their work. Check for understanding and correct any misconceptions.
Precise Language Checklist Evident Not Evident Comments Vivid verbs Specific adjectives Specific adverbs Tier 2 words Specialized words Explain to students that if the response includes the specified criteria they should check “evident”. If the specified criteria is not met or is weak, they should mark “not evident” and offer a suggestion in the comment box.
Independent Practice Using the feedback from the checklist, revise your response. Include at least four of the five items below: Vivid verbs Specific adjectives Specific adverbs Tier 2 words Specialized words Then do the following: Underline vivid verbs Circle specific adjectives Star specific adverbs Box tier 2 words Check specialized words (Tier 3)
Exemplary Response The invention that came about in the weirdest way was the sewing machine needle. According to the text, the inventor, Howe, conjured the idea in a dream when he was issued an ultimatum by vicious cannibals to create a working sewing machine. When he failed, he was sentenced to death by spear. Thankfully, he woke up, but not before noticing a hole at the tip of the spear which he successfully* applied to his design.