Saints in Our History The First Thousand Years Chapter 11
A Mustard Seed Church started off small and grew Guided by Holy Spirit Led people to become Saints and lead Church Ages of the Church Apostles and Martyrs Fathers and Doctors of the Church Monastic Movement Schism and the Middle Ages
Apostles and Martyrs Apostles commanded to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” Apostles spread across the known world Peter Preached from Pentecost on Went to Antioch and then Rome First Bishop of Rome Martyred under Emperor Nero 64 or 67 AD Crucified upside down Buried on Vatican Hill, spot of St. Peter’s Basilica today Pope St. Linus elected to succeed him
St. Paul Greatest missionary of early Church Covered in the Acts of the Apostles Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Rome Continued preaching, even though imprisoned and stoned Apostle to the Gentiles (non-Jews) Wrote 14 letters (epistles) Martyred in 68 AD
Early Christian Martyrs Persecution of Christians for next 250 years Christianity outlawed in Roman Empire Christianity expanded anyway Inspiration of martyrdom impressed Roman bravery “Blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church” St. Perpetua and St. Felicity Perpetua lived in N. Africa Just had a baby Felicity was a servant who lived with her Pregnant Perpetua and Felicity arrested for being a Christian Refused to deny Christ, martyred even though they had young children to take care of Eucharistic Prayer First martyr: St. Stephen Early Popes: Linus, Cletus, Clement, Sixtus Holy Women: Agatha, Lucy, Cecilia Apostles
Fathers and Doctors of the Church Christianity became legal under Constantine 4th Century Next wave of trouble for the Church was internal Heresy (denial of basic doctrine of the faith)
Arianism and Athanasius Spread by Arius, a priest in Egypt Taught that Jesus wasn’t God Spread through the Church, believed even by bishops Council of Nicaea (325 AD) Nicene Creed Athanasius Defended proper Church teaching Bishop of Alexandria, Egypt Taught that Christ is “consubstantial with the Father” “One in being” Wrote On the Incarnation Talks about the Second Person of the Trinity becoming man Died in 373 AD Arianism officially denounced in 381 AD
St. Augustine Born to St. Monica in North Africa Lived a wild lifestyle “Lord make me chaste, but not yet” St. Monica prayed for his conversion Brilliantly intelligent Converted after hearing a homily at age 33 Talked about in The Confessions Wrote The City of God Contrasts Christian life with the evils of the world Combated other heresies Also considered a father of the Church
The Monastic Age Rome was crumbling from barbarian attacks Empire collapsed Monasteries continued way of life Communities of monks Men who live together to grow in the faith Vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience Converted barbarians Became centers of Western civilization Schools and towns grew around them
St. Benedict Founded the Benedictine Order Called the “Father of Western Monasticism” The Rule of St. Benedict Guided the lives of his monks “Ora et Labora” Prayer and work Prayer: Liturgy of the Hours, Mass, Adoration Work: Copying manuscripts, farming, teaching
Missionaries from the Monasteries Monasteries became centers of the missionary movement St. Columban (6th Century) Irish monk who preached to the Franks St. Boniface (8th Century) Benedictine monk from England Preached in Germany
Schism and the Middle Ages Islam arose in Middle East Spread to North Africa, Eastern Europe, Spain Separated Christians in the West from the East Eastern Schism (1054 AD) Schism = split Eastern Orthodox split from Catholic Church Source of issues Wording of certain Christian doctrines Authority of Bishop of Rome (Pope)
Corruption Corruption of the clergy in the years 850-1000 Roman Empire had collapsed Church became foundation for society As it was the clergy who were the educated people Some clergymen focused more on worldly issues and power than the spiritual Need for reform in the Church