Creating a Survey Webinar
Webinar objectives Being able to create your own survey. Creating a survey led task. Producing results using the simple graph feature. Exporting results.
To activate the survey tool click on the cogs in your class community. The cogs are located at the top right side of the screen. To activate the survey tool click on the cogs in your class community. The cogs are located at the top right side of the screen. Scroll down the page to select the Surveys feature. Scroll to the bottom of that section to click on the ‘Update’ button. Click on the green arrow in the top right hand corner of the screen. Scroll down the page to select the Surveys feature. Scroll to the bottom of that section to click on the ‘Update’ button. Click on the green arrow in the top right hand corner of the screen.
Click the ‘Surveys’ button in the community. Click ‘New Survey’ and enter the title. Once complete click ‘Create Survey’.
Children’s page: They can just click ‘Add Question’ Teacher’s page: They can just click ‘Cogs’
Change the title and add introduction. Results Visibility – select the appropriate results.
Select the type of question you would like to use for the survey
Enter the question, add image if applicable.
Thumbnail of picture will appear. Click ‘Add image’ then ‘Browse’. Save – finished adding questions to the survey. Save and Add – save the work and add another question.
Select the date for the survey to be active. Select the children to take part in this survey.
Enter the instructions and select the icon. Save Task: no assessment or self evaluation. Next: assessment option.
Click the ‘Manage’ button Children’s view: click the results button.
Select the set of results you would like to view by clicking on the results icon.
Graphs are produced.
From children’s view – teachers will see the cogs in the top right hand corner.
Teachers will see the spreadsheet with all the results. Click ‘Export’ for the results to be exported to Excel.
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