Rikki-tikki-tavi By Rudyard Kipling. Before Reading: Build Background Title the next available page of your literature notebook, “Rikki-tikki-tavi.” Read.


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Presentation transcript:

Rikki-tikki-tavi By Rudyard Kipling

Before Reading: Build Background Title the next available page of your literature notebook, “Rikki-tikki-tavi.” Read the Build Background section on page 121 in your literature book. In your literature notebook, record at least 3 predictions about the story based only on the background information given.

Before Reading: Build Background Britain first became interested in India in the 1500s, after the Portuguese ad established a thriving spice trade. They recognized the profitability of this trade and wanted to compete with the Portuguese. East India Company was established in 1599 by a group of London merchants. It had a charter from the British government that granted it exclusive trading rights in the East Indies and power to maintain an army and navy, declare war, and govern new territories. Indians rebelled against the East India Company in The British government stepped in and took control of India. India remained a British colony until 1947, when it gained its independence after a century-long struggle with the British government.

Before Reading: Understand Vocabulary Context Clues and Synonyms Number from 1-5 in your LNb. Use context clues to determine a 1 word synonym for each underlined word. Record and be ready to share. He cunningly planned a surprise attack. Teddy received consolation from his mother after his frightening experience. The muskrat wasted no time as he scuttled into his hole. Timid creatures cowered in fear when the cobras appeared. After Chuchumdra collapsed in fear, it took the other animals several minutes to revive him and get him back on his feet.

During Reading: Understand Personification Write your own personal definition of personification in your LNb. Briefly write about two stories or movies you have read or seen that included personification. What effect did it have on the stories/films? How do you feel about personification? Be prepared to share with your partner and the class.

During Reading: Understanding Personification On the next clean page in your LNb, create the following chart: Animal’s NameType of AnimalPersonality TraitsKey Actions or Words Rikki-tikki-taviMongooseConfident, curious, brave, clever Fights all snakes, plots to kill cobras, protects family Darzee Darzee’s Wife Chuchundra Nag Nagina

During Reading: Understanding Point of View 1 st Person: The narrator is a character in the story (usually the main character) 3 rd Person, Limited: The narrator is not involved in the story and tells what one character thinks, feels, and observes. The reader does not learn about the experiences of the other characters. 3 rd Person Omniscient: The narrator is not involved in the story but is omniscient, or all-knowing. The narrator knows and can explain the thoughts of all of the story’s characters and can even add information that none of the characters know.

During Reading: Understanding Point of View 2 nd Person: The narrator steps out of the action of the story to speak directly to the readers. Can be recognized by the use of the pronoun, you. This occurs twice in “Rikki-tikki-tavi.” Work with a partner to find the two examples.

After Reading: Reviewing Conflict Conflict is a struggle between two opposing forces. External conflicts occur between a character and some outside force. Character v. Character Character v. Nature Character v. Society Internal conflicts are invisible, occurring within a character’s mind. Character v. Self Create a chart like the one on the next page and complete it with a partner:

After Reading: Reviewing Conflict Type of ConflictExample from “Rikki-tikki-tavi” Character vs. Character Character vs. Nature Character vs. Society Character vs. Self

After Reading: Comparing the Text to Film Fill out the Viewing Activity worksheet while watching “Rikki- Tikki-Tavi.” You may want to take notes in your LNb and then use those to answer the questions on the worksheet.