Healthy Work Environments for Your Chapter Too! Connie Barden, RN, MSN, CCRN, CCNS Denise Thornby MS, RN, CNAA
Chapters Should be like an Oasis… A place where we finding meaning and significance A place where we are renewed and gain positive energy A place where we can do mission, purpose-driven work of AACN A place where we can learn and grow A place that should exemplify AACN Values and Healthy Work Environment Standards
Yet, Chapters Have Difficult People & Unhealthy Work Environments too!
Don’t do what they are supposed to Disappoint the team in how they contribute Poorly represent the chapter & AACN Intimidate and dominate others People who…
Are not open to change Are passive aggressive in dealing with others Have gone missing And more… People who…
Common Volunteer Problems They are not self-aware of how they are performing or are perceived by others They demonstrate poor self-regulation of bothersome characteristics Unclear on expectations Don’t have the needed skills to do the job well Over committed Said “yes”, when they meant “no”
Top Ten Signs You Have an UN-Healthy Chapter Environment
Top Ten… 10. The Board wonders….the idea that we would have a ballot with more than one person per office – wouldn’t that hurt people’s feelings? 9. No one dares to question why the chapter is still holding monthly meetings and the attendance is the Board plus two. 8. You ponder…how many years in a row can someone serve as President? 7. Our key measure of success is how much money we have. 6. Eye rolling and loud sighs are heard as other board members present their update or request
Top Ten… 5. Someone is willing to be President & everyone agrees that’s good enough. 4. There’s more whispering after the meeting than discussion during it about things people want the chapter to do! 3. The #1 motivation for members to volunteer is to complete an assignment for school or to gain points towards clinical ladder. 2. Has anyone seen the treasurer?
Top Ten… 1. Everyone calls in sick for the board meetings!
Elements of Healthy Work Environments Will Help Chapters Too!
HWE Skilled Communication True Collaboration Effective Decision Making Appropriate Staffing Meaningful Recognition Authentic Leadership
“A leader is someone who finds a large group of people all headed in one direction & quickly jumps in front of them…” Willie Nelson
Seriously, Where Do You Start?
Chapters Need Authentic Leadership Shared Mission, Vision & Goals Clear Understanding of Roles and Responsibilities Mutually agreed upon Team Agreements – Communication – Decision Making – Collaboration
Authentic Leadership “People hunger for personalized leadership that speaks to their hearts and inspires them to do things they didn’t know they were capable of accomplishing.” “Authentic Leaders inspire excellence.” Leadership isn’t always easy…
Authentic Leadership Three keys to leadership: 1) Make expectations clear 2) Be sure they have the skills & info with which to do the job 3) Hold folks accountable (gently) 4) Notice and praise
Leading Volunteers Make sure everyone knows the goals, desired outcomes and fully supports them Make sure they clearly know their role and have the resources to be successful Clarify how the chapter will make and approve decisions. Honest feedback about how they contribute (or don’t contribute). Positive reinforcement for positive, helpful behaviors and contributions. Refine and improve meeting facilitation and group leadership skills. Make sure there is time for celebration, recognition and just plain ol’ fun!
Who can help?
Helpful Resources Chapter Advisors Past Chapter Leaders Other Chapter leaders in your region
Questions? Chapter Dilemmas?