Know these words for semester exam intimidate emerge lacerate abrupt temporize fetid tangible saunter sultry insinuation
Chapter 9: Joe’s funeral was the finest thing Orange County had ever seen with Negro eyes “gold red and purple” “gloat and glamor” “secret orders each with its insinuation for power and glory undreamed of by the uninitiated.” “farm horses and mules; brothers and sisters” “dominant drum rhythm” “stepped off smartly” “long line” “ The Little Emperor of the cross-roads” “leaving as he had come with the out-stretched hand of power” (88).
“Janie starched and ironed her face” “funeral veil” “wall of stone and steel” “death and burial” “said and done” “Finish. End. Nevermore. Darkness. Darkness. Deep hole. Dissolution. Eternity. Weeping and wailing. “Inside the expensive folds were resurrection and life.” “She did not reach outside…death reach inside to disturb her calm.” “She sent her face to Joe’s funeral, and herself went rollicking with the springtime across the world”(88).
“she burnt up every one of her head rags” “one thick braid swinging well below her waist” “she would have the rest of her life to do as she pleased” “creaked and cried” “weight of lonesomeness” “asking lonesomeness some questions” “seldom-seen mother” “under a cloak of pity” “great journey to the horizons” “she find them and they find her” “run off down a back road after things” “look at a mud-puddle and see ocean with ships” “loved to deal in scraps” “the horizon way beyond you” “pinched it in to such a little bit of a thing that she could tie it about her granddaughter’s neck tight enough to choke her” twisted her so in the name of love”(89).
She had found a jewel…show her shine” “uh women by herself is a pitiful thing” “you needs a man” “she liked being lonesome for a change” “freedom feeling was fine” “pack of chessy cats trying to make out they looked like love” (90).
“mourning white” “in and out of town” “open and frank” “respectful and stiff” “honor and respect” “Empress of Japan” “loves this freedom” “mourning oughtn’s tuh last no longer than grief”(92- 93).