Type presentation name here in slide master © 2007 SDL. Company Confidential. Forward-looking information is based upon multiple assumptions and uncertainties and does not necessarily represent the company’s outlook. Jaspersoft/ iReport Migration Part 3: Report Repository and World Server
Topics Covered Adding new report to Report Repository Adding Input Controls to Report Connecting Input Controls with Parameters Running Custom Reports out of WorldServer Changing Report through WorldServer
Report Repository Having iReport hooked up to the WorldServer Report Repository is needed to correctly configure the Parameters to Input Controls mapping for the report, as well as running the report In a report clicking the Repository Navigator (if properly set up) will show the other reports in the repository World Server reports are under Organizations- >WorldServer->Report When you are satisfied the report works within iReport Right Click on the Reports-> Add-> Jasperserver Report When report is added find Report by name in the list
Adding Input Controls to Report When creating a local input control make sure the ID value is the same as the name of the parameter the input control will map to, if they are not the same the input will not end up in the parameter and your result will not be correct Often input controls will be values that the use will 1 or many For instance the locales input control will return a list of all locales configured in WorldServer The user can pick 1 or more of the values from the input and the Parameters mapped to that input control will contain a list of the values A query is used to create the list of values for the input control An input control can also be a predefined set of values instead of a query An input control can also be a single value –For a date, a date picker will appear when input is needed –For text a text box will appear when input is needed
Repository Navigator/WorldServer Report Center When you are satisfied that the report and the input control are correctly defined log into WorldServer and navigate to the Report Center Tools-> Report Center The Report Center will look like the Repository From the WorldServer Report center you can run your report Running the report out of WorldServer is the correct way to test for completion of the report When run out of WorldServer you can see how the input controls will be presented to the user as well as how the report will look when completed A new.JRXML file can be uploaded into WorldServer for the report or it can be replaced directly from iReports Repository
Changing Report through WorldServer A new.JRXML file can be uploaded into WorldServer for the report Uploading the wrong file type will not allow the submit to work correctly to be accessible.
Type presentation name here in slide master © 2007 SDL. Company Confidential. Forward-looking information is based upon multiple assumptions and uncertainties and does not necessarily represent the company’s outlook. Questions?
Type presentation name here in slide master © 2007 SDL. Company Confidential. Forward-looking information is based upon multiple assumptions and uncertainties and does not necessarily represent the company’s outlook. Thank you Robert Spence For more information or for any issues please contact Copyright © 2007 SDL. All rights reserved. SDL and the SDL Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of SDL or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as advertising. All warranties relating to the information in this document, either express or implied, are disclaimed to the maximum extent allowed by law. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. This slide is for closing external and customer presentations